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Tony Greenwald

Greenwald provoked modern attention to the psychological self with his 1980 article, "The Totalitarian Ego". His 1990s methods made unconscious cognition and subliminal perception orderly research topics. His latest method innovation, the Implicit Association Test, enables observation of unconscious attitudes (including one's own) and has revamped theoretical understanding of prejudice.


Brian Nosek

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The implicit cognition research group integrates basic psychological research, methodological and technological innovation, and public education to advance understanding of implicit cognition - thoughts and feelings that exist outside of conscious awareness or conscious control. Our group includes students and academics in social and cognitive psychology, quantitative methodology, and computer science and collaborates with academics and professionals in business, education, law, public policy, medicine and health.

Mahzarin Banaji

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Banaji studies human thinking and feeling as it unfolds in social contexts. Her focus is primarily on mental systems that operate in implicit or unconscious mode. In particular, she is interested in the unconscious nature of assessments of self and other humans that reflect feelings and knowledge (often unintended) about their social group membership (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, gender, class) that underlie the us/them distinction.