Recently in Impact Projects Category

If anyone is interested. I have been in a couple of different meetings, working behind the scenes, talking with different community leaders, radio and news.

We will be starting a radio program call the "Word on the Street" which will be conversations for campus and community efforts to bring open dialogues, and discussion about issues on discrimination, stereotyping, and  racism.

The Program will be starting this Friday, and will be held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the week from 2:00-3:00pm at KBBG radio


Open:  To all students and Staff from UNI and HCC.

Guests:  We are looking for persons/agencies/city and county officials

Focus of the Show: Addressing and discussing topic and issues of interest at the university, and community college. Addressing and discussing topics and issues of interest at the University, and in the Community, in a dialogue format, using the study circle style, Topics will be determined by the participants/organizers and with input from the student and listeners.


First program:

Dialogue about why we are doing the show, issues that brought it about, the need to work collaboratively between the colleges and the community, the discussion of diversity, race, ethnicity and why these are important topics to talk about.  Opening the program up to listeners to talk about what they would like to hear discussed.

Contact:  Alex Esquivel at


March-Impact Project

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For this project, the following people said they are interested:

Tom, Liz, Heather, Ryan, Dan, Jerry, George

This is a project centered around an already scheduled march to be held later this semester. Please post your ideas and progress as a comment to this entry.

Some Tips:

Keep in mind that the impact project assignment is to design and implement a project that makes an impact on some defined group of people (as related to stereotyping, prejudice and/or discrimination). Simply joining in someone else's event will not satisfy the requirements of this project. (Attending and participating in events is highly encouraged in this class, and you can do those things, blog about them and get course credit for them--however, for this project, you need to develop and do something). SO. As a group, you will need to decide how do you ADD to this already planned event, in what way, etc.

Contact the group's organizers. Find out what they already have planned, how they think you can assist, is there room for other events, etc, etc.

Granted, we have little information about this project at this point, but as it stands now, this march should not be the only project you are involved with. IF this project develops and becomes more involved (like the others), then it can be your only one. But for now, make sure you are involved with one other project as well.

Spring Break Impact Project

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The following people have agreed to participate in this project:

Alex, George, Jerry, and Liz.

This project is focused on creating a documentary of a trip to San Antonio and El Paso.

Please post your ideas and progress as comments to this entry.

Some Tips:

Create a "pitch" for this project. Pretend that you are pitching this project to possible investors (google around to see if you can find a format for this sort of thing). What this will do is force you to come up ahead of time with the basic premise of your documentary, its goals, what it is and what it is not. I'll want to see this well before travel time :)

Check into the idea of incorporating a 'service trip' to this project. Talk to Tom if you need more info on what this is.

The following people have expressed interest in the curricular challenge impact project:

Tom, Zach, Sara.

Please post as a comment to this entry your ideas, and progress. Please also post an initial comment telling us what this project is about.

Art Impact Project

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The following people are interested in participating in an artistic impact project this semester: Lindsay, Cassie, Jeff

Some tips:

Search the uni website for 'art installation' 'art donation' 'art building' and see what you can find out about art on campus. There is likely a committee or office on campus that manages aspects of art on campus. See if you can find out who/where. This information will be helpful whichever type of art project you decide to do.

Send a nice, informative, professional email to Dr. Mauceri (CSBS Dean). Explain to him your interest in contributing a piece of art to the new Sabin building. Explain that it is part of a project for Dr. MacLin's Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination course. Explain the project's goals (not the art project itself, but the overall assignment's goals).  Ask if he is the one you should talk to about this idea, or if there is some other person or group responsible for art in the new building. Let him know that you are at the early planning stages, and are at this point seeking information regarding feasibility of doing/organizing an art project for the new Sabin Building.

Post your ideas and progress as a comment to this entry.


Ideas and event for projects

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The Department of Modern Languages is hosting a film series based on Immigration, Racism and Discrimination issues in the America's (North, Central, & South) Mondays' 7:00pm in the CAC room 108.

James Day, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Carrillo, Dr. Janet McClain, including Brittney & Myself are hosting a one month series of Study Circles Open Dialog on Racism. Location In the CME, Saturdays (Feb 6,13,20,27) from 12:00pm-2:00pm. Contact Alex :             

BSU (Black Student Union) is asking for help in Hosting a Maze of Oppression (Immigration, Racial profiling, genocide, Classroom (brown eyes/blue eyes), and two others segments. Looking for actors, help designing props.  February 24, 2010, 6pm-10pm. Within the Month of February there are talks about having a non-violent March from UNI to College Square Mall. Planning is in Progress. Contact Ebony Jackson at BSU president    

Anyone interested in being on a radio talk show about Racism. Dates are being scheduled for either evening/ or weekends. contact: Mr. Day at


A lot of events I can think of fall into the other impact project categories (art exhibit, program for school children, etc)...but there are likely great ideas for events that don't fall easily into one of the other categories. So here is the spot for those :)

Develop and implement an intervention designed to lessen stereotyping, prejudice, violence, or discrimination. Your intervention can be geared to students (k-12 or college), administrators, local government, community, or ?

Conduct a study on a topic relevant to the course. This will require a proposal and IRB approval (if using human subjects), implementation of the project, writing up the results and presenting/using the data in a way that makes an impact!

What kind of art could you make for social change? How can art prompt civil dialogue? Make some art that makes people think! Performance, photography, sculpture, painting, etc, etc.


Protest and civil disobedience are two wasy to highlight issues that may not be receiving attention. What type of protest or civil disobedience could you plan? What would its goals be? What positive outcomes could result from it? Negative outcomes?

Everyday Democracy is an organization that provides resources and ideas for creating change within communities. There are a lot of good ideas on this site. What kind of change could you take on?

The Campus Violence Prevention Project in collaboration with Women's and Gender Studies and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences is seeking proposals for the Violence Prevention and Intervention Curriculum Institute to be held in conjunction with the Dalai Lama May, 2010 visit.  Information and the application form can be found at  Materials should be submitted to the CSBS Dean's Office (0403) by Noon on Friday, February 19.