If anyone is interested. I have been in a couple of different meetings, working behind the scenes, talking with different community leaders, radio and news.
We will be starting a radio program call the "Word on the Street" which will be conversations for campus and community efforts to bring open dialogues, and discussion about issues on discrimination, stereotyping, and racism.
The Program will be starting this Friday, and will be held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the week from 2:00-3:00pm at KBBG radio
Open: To all students and Staff from UNI and HCC.
Guests: We are looking for persons/agencies/city and county officials
Focus of the Show: Addressing and discussing topic and issues of interest at the university, and community college. Addressing and discussing topics and issues of interest at the University, and in the Community, in a dialogue format, using the study circle style, Topics will be determined by the participants/organizers and with input from the student and listeners.
First program:
Dialogue about why we are doing the
show, issues that brought it about, the need to work collaboratively between
the colleges and the community, the discussion of diversity, race, ethnicity
and why these are important topics to talk about. Opening the program up to listeners to talk
about what they would like to hear discussed.
Contact: Alex Esquivel at esquivea@uni.edu
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