U.S. Census and race

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Here's a link to a video about the U.S. Census: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/36101466#36101466

The problem is people are having difficulty filling out the form when they have to choose a "box" or group to identify with. One of the newscasters shares his family's stories. Also, the statistics about Hispanics are interesting too.

What should be done about this issue? How should we address it?

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I filled out the U.S. census and I felt it was a little bias, based on the list of boxes that were provided,but you have to look past it. The real reason why they are doing the Census is to give funds that will distributed for educational programs, and many other programs for the community. Within the Hispanic/Latino community they are afraid to fill it out because some my have come into the the U.S. illegally, despite what country they have come from.
How can this be fixed by listing all the different ethnicity. In the case of Latinos they don't like to be called me Mexicans or Hispanics, for what reason I am not aware of, it could be a pride thing or the fact that they do not consider themselves Hispanic because a certain percentage are native or mestizo a mixture of native/black, native/Spaniard , native/white, native/french, native/Irish, or just mixed in general.

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