racism against a hispanic male, because he doesn't speak english.

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This video is about racism, and how people react to a man who does not speak English in a New Jersey deli, customer it is setup by what would you do, and John Quienos dresses up and plays the role of and immigrant  to see the reaction of the customer if they say anything.  

Do you think it is right that all immigrants should speak the English language when living in America?  Or should immigrants be allowed to keep there culture, or become more Americanized, by leaving there culture behind?

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I work at Panera, so I get people all the time that don't know english the best. It can make it difficult to try to communicate with them when you don't speak their language and they don't speak yours. While this does happen, I have not seen anyone that I work with react in the way like the man in the video. You can figure out what a person wants, language is not the only way to communicate.

I know a few people who have strong opinions about people learning english before they decide to live here, but I do not share this idea. While knowing english is a good asset to have, it is not a necessity. Spanish is actually starting to compete with English in this country, and English isn't America's official language anyway. I think when you come to America that you do lose some of your culture, reguardless if you learn English or not.

While it may be frustrating to try to communicate with someone who speaks a different language, I think Americans need to step back and realize that it is unrealistic to think that everyone needs to know English in this country. If an American moved to another country I do not think they would expect us to know their language either.

Cassy brings up a good point, that I really never though about.
I am Hispanic and my primary language is English, and my second language is Spanish. Most of you my not know that while most Hispanic parents were attending school, if they used Spanish they would get hit for it. So, with that mind most parents did not want to teach their children Spanish based on there experiences.
My understanding of Spanish is limited. I can read it,write it, and translate to English while reading it. But, I choose not to speak it because I don't what use the wrong pronunciation, or context.
Living in the different areas were the Spanish culture is embraced I learned the slag and not the proper Spanish, until i can here to UNI. Moving here made me look and appreciate my culture more and understand the history of it as well.
Looking back at it, I can say that I never felt like I fitted in because I never really understood the culture until now.

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