March-Impact Project

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For this project, the following people said they are interested:

Tom, Liz, Heather, Ryan, Dan, Jerry, George

This is a project centered around an already scheduled march to be held later this semester. Please post your ideas and progress as a comment to this entry.

Some Tips:

Keep in mind that the impact project assignment is to design and implement a project that makes an impact on some defined group of people (as related to stereotyping, prejudice and/or discrimination). Simply joining in someone else's event will not satisfy the requirements of this project. (Attending and participating in events is highly encouraged in this class, and you can do those things, blog about them and get course credit for them--however, for this project, you need to develop and do something). SO. As a group, you will need to decide how do you ADD to this already planned event, in what way, etc.

Contact the group's organizers. Find out what they already have planned, how they think you can assist, is there room for other events, etc, etc.

Granted, we have little information about this project at this point, but as it stands now, this march should not be the only project you are involved with. IF this project develops and becomes more involved (like the others), then it can be your only one. But for now, make sure you are involved with one other project as well.

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This is the email I received from Ebony Jackson, president of the Black Student Union, regarding the march that will take place:

"During a week of events we decided that Saturday at 12:00pm. we would do a Rally. The night before, at our Lock-IN, we are going to make shirts. All shirts will be black and we have a noun on them. Mine will say "lawyer". Another persons may say "student" or "doctor". We plan to walk down university with bull horns and signs. Once we make it to the mall (my car will be there) we will put all of our signs and horns in my car and walk silently through the mall. We would then walk back down university. However, after talking to my advisor yesterday he suggested that we walk down Main Street instead or do both. I really would like for you all to help us and help spread the word. If you have any questions feel free to contact me."

If anybody has any ideas as to how you could contribute to this, please post them here....

Since we now know a little more about what is going to be happening, we could implement the idea of our t-shirts. Or we could have a table down in the Union during that particular week. Maybe the petition idea or the die-in could work there.

On a side note, I am considering doing a Diversity Day at my class at Hawkeye Community College. I would devote time to explaining about diversity, prejudice, and discrimination. If anyone would be interested in helping me develop a presentation on this, I would be more than happy to have help on it!

hi all,
i'd like to see a comment that shows what you guys have been meeting about (list who attends), how/if you are going to turn this march into a fullfledged impact project, and how you are progressing. this is especially important for those of you who are not involved with other impact projects. once your post some more ideas here i can better give you feedback and can also look at the other groups and see how they are progressing to get an idea of where people are at.

Dan, Heather, and I have decided that we are going to put together a pamphlet with information (i.e., statistics, facts, concepts, etc.) regarding hate crimes, stereotyping, racism, and prejudice that we will hand out to students during the peak of the day in the MU. In addition to this information, the pamphlet will also include information on the march that will be taking place on Feb. 27 @ noon. Our rational for doing this is that it will raise some awareness of the hate crimes that have taken place on campus, as well as some other social issues that occur consistently around the country. Our hope is that this will encourage more students to get involved with the statement that is trying to be made through the march.

I don't know who else still wants to be involved with this, so if you do please let us know.

Today we decided how we are going to divide up the material we will present in our Hawkeye classes. We will mainly cover 3-4 theoretical realms within SP&D: I am going to cover the foundation of prejudice, stemming mostly from research done by Tajfel & Turner involving ingroup/outgroup biases, group categorization, etc. Dan is going to focus on the cross-race effect and the theories involved with that phenomenon and other factors that go into racism and discrimination. Heather is going to cover the different types of racism (classic vs. modern/aversive) as well as the literature on stereotype threat and the importance of understanding why it occurs and stereotyping in general. We will compile all of this material and then create a flowing lecture that will cover a lot of the topics we have discussed in our class. Each of us plan to spend at least 1 if not 2 class period times (about 1.5-2 hrs worth) discussing this material. We will also have demonstrations, videos, examples, etc. to go along with our lecture.

In addition to this, we will still be providing a pamphlet to students on the UNI campus that we created earlier. Kim, could you send us the details on the funding we could use for this part of our project? Thanks!

We just submitted a proposal to get funding for the hate crime brochure portion of our project. Once we get word back on that, we will go ahead and print off some nice copies of the brochure for distribution. We are also going to start gathering information for our lesson plan on the SPD day at Hawkeye later this week/early next week.

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