Jesse Jackson talk about Obama on National Television

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I know everyone see Jesse Jackson as a Good Civil Rights Leader who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and he did start the Operation Bread Basket in Chicago during the Civil rights movement. Jesse saw talking shit about Presidential candidate Barrack H. Obama, when he was being interviewed.  If one of us made that comments we would be rushed in and talked to by the secret service and maybe throw in jail for making a threat to harm the Presidential Candidate.

Jesse Jackson''s reaction reaction when Obama won the Presidency I can understand the happiness and the tears of joy, of having a historical moment as Elected President Obama is elected the first black President of the United States. 

An I can understand the frustration that Rev. Jesse Jackson has in not being the first president as he ran in the 80 or 90's, which he failed.  But to be hypocritical and a ass on national television talking about dismembering someone else tells us the people about his character as a man of god..

What do you think???

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