I can't marry my lover, but I can marry my cousin

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Below is a link to a map that shows states that allow gay marriage and states that allow first cousins to marry. I think you'll be surprised at which one has the bigger number.


Did this map surprise you? What do you think this says about the right for gays to marry? What does it say about the religious argument that gays shouldn't marry? Thou shalt not lay with another man, but cousin Maggie is totally cool.

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That map is very interesting. I had no idea what states had the option for cousin marriage. It is very suprising to see the discrepancy between the two maps. Marrying a family member and marrying someone of the same sex are both issues and things that people speak out against.
I can see why there are more states accepting family marriage as opposed to more accepting gay marriage. Family marriage has been something that was accepted back in our history, and it really doesn't raise any religious problems. Gay marriage is not something you can hide, and it has never really been something we have just accepted flat out. Religion conflicts with the ideas of gay marriage, but not family marriage.. so this is more acceptable. It makes it interesting to consider that both of these things are frowned apon by certain people in our society, but that gay marriage is so much more of a hot button.
I, myself, think that gays should be allowed to marry. I am a Christian, but I don't think that being a Christian gives me the right to jump into another person's life and decide what they can and can't do. Gays should have the right to have all the benefits of marriage, and have a "miserable life like the rest of us" as quoted time and time again.
It is also interesting to me that certain states (like Iowa) accept gay marriage, but not family marriage. Another thing I noticed was that a lot of the southern states accept the family marriage ideas but not gay marriage. This type of discrepancy shows that there may be some connection with history and ideas in certain parts of the country that are not shadowed in other parts of the country. This difference in ideas makes it hard to take a side when certain parts of the world think differently than other parts.

I found this to be SHOCKING! Why isn't marrying your first cousin as shocking as marrying someone of the same sex. I do beleive in each person to their own, but I think that we should have the same rights as gay and lesbian couples.
Where getting married is part of the church, if people wanted to do that, then they can go through the church. But if they just want to be recognized as a couple, then that has to do with the government. I personally don't have a problem with homosexual marriage, I think that it should be recognized everywhere.
The cousin idea really through me off, i know i have heard of it on TV and such, but I can't believe that states are more acceptable with somewhat incest and not two consenting adults choosing to spend their life together, but can't be recognized as a couple because they are of the same sex.

I am a Catholic, and the belief that we are suppose to follow the word of god. I remember going to church a couple of times and the church say that it is a sin to engage in homosexuality. In my mind i truly believe that no matter what or who you like it is your happiness, if "god gave us freewill to be or do what we want then no one should judge anyone for his or her sexuality. If a homosexual (gay or lesbian) wants to get married then they should be allowed to to get married. The thing that most people fail to recognize is that it does infringe or the right of homosexuals, such as it did for African American's during the civil rights movement in the 5o's and 60's regardless what anyone thinks if it is right or wrong we need to learn how to separate church from state. If state can recognize incest and cousin marring then they should reconsider there bias towards homosexual.

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