Southern Poverty Law Center

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"The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm. Today, SPLC is internationally known for its tolerance education programs, its legal victories against white supremacists and its tracking of hate groups."

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This website is really informative. At my undergraduate university, I took a class on Rural Crime (which was a really interesting perspective). We spent some time working with this website.

On the left hand side, there is a Hate Group Map. It basically shows a map of the entire U.S. and the number of hate groups that are active in each state, along with information about them. I can't be positive on this, but I believe when I saw this map before Iowa had less than 8 groups, which is not exactly a comforting thought. Also, the site provides information about the groups active in a given state. I would encourage people to check out this site, it has a lot to offer!

This site is indeed very informative. I am deeply disturbed that my home state of Texas has 66 documented hate groups. Not surprisingly they are all located in east Texas and the panhandle.

On the left hand side, right above the red box that says Hate Group Map is a green box where you can add your name to their map of people who "Stand Strong Against Hate". I thought that was pretty cool.

As Heather mentioned Iowa has 8 known active hate groups, but what is most shocking is that the City of Cedar Falls is included in that list with one called the Fraternal White Knights of the KKK.

Is it the ignorance of the privilege,trying to control it existence. Or a plague that continues to rise because the first time in history we have a Black President.

Because the people have spoken by electing "change" as President Barack H.Obama was elected and it was seen through the world, that no matter what ethnicity on is, we can become anything in life if we dream because anything is possible. With that in mind, gun sells increased in an alarming rate casing a panic.

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