A lot of events I can think of fall into the other impact project categories (art exhibit, program for school children, etc)...but there are likely great ideas for events that don't fall easily into one of the other categories. So here is the spot for those :)
Impact Project - Develop and Implement an Event
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A anti-hate march: This idea consists of organizing a march in order to raise awareness of the problems that we have had with hate speech and violent acts toward minority students at UNI (certainly other places as well). A directive of this march could be to get people to sign a resolution of zero tolerance for acts of hate. Another possibility is that we wear those t-shirts that have those slang words on them. I think this could be a very dynamic proposition with a lot of room for growth and input.
different ideas:
* If any is interested in being on the radio to talk about RSD, I can get the contact information on day(s) or times slot.
* Making a proposal and presenting it to President Allen, Provost Gibson, Dean of Student Buse, Hogan, and Student Affairs Melissa Pain; who are open to suggestion in helping make UNI a better diverse campus. The impact would be based, on making it part of the undergrad curriculum and mandatory for all incoming, and transfer students. If a student has to take library orientation as a mandatory class to graduate then why cant they take a class on racism, discrimination, and stereotyping. (If Iowa, Iowa state have a mandatory class why doesn't UNI have on.)the hope is to educate, because every student who does become part of the work force, will be working with others of different ethnicity.
* Starting on Saturday February 6, 12:00 pm at the Center for Multicultural Education. The Cedar Falls Human Right commission, and student will be starting study circle open dialog on racism.
* Here in Cedar Falls, I can try to get guest speakers and community leaders to get together, and talk about there perspective on the issues of RSD.
* Monday 2/8/2010, from 2:00-3:30. A panel is getting put together at hawkeye college to talk about diversity. I did get in contact with the instructor, and he is waiting for others to get back in contact with him, he may need substitutes if anyone is interested.
I really like this idea of doing an anti-hate/anti-hate crimes march. If our goal is to raise awareness and promote racial/ethnic tolerance, it seems like an attention-grabbing public march would be a good method to use. I know there was a similar protest back in November, but I think if we emphasize the recent hate that has been displayed on campus it will give others a "close-to-home" reason to get involved. I think the t-shirt idea is excellent as well. If we held the march far enough in advance, we could get people to sign up and they could order a t-shirt if they wanted. This would help bring on a sort of unity when it came time for the actual event. If we are able to get ahold of local news stations they may also help us get the word out about the event and spread the message we are attempting to send.