The following activity is from Rusty Juban's Management of Organizations class.
Weight Discrimination: A New Type of Corporate Downsizing?
During the late 1980's and early 1990's most of us were aware that many firms were downsizing"getting leaner and meaner"in order to compete more effectively with their local, national, and global rivals. Today, however, the terms "leaner and meaner" and even "downsizing" are taking on entirely new meanings, as more and more overweight executive-level applicants are experiencing rejection because they don't fit the "trim and slim" mold that some firms prefer. In fact, even the most casual of observers will notice that top managers who are overweight, out of shape, or sluggish, by today's corporate standards, tend to be the exception, not the rule.
For those overweight applicants hoping to someday secure a management position, some experts contend that their chances of being rejected simply because they don't "look the part" are pretty strong. Findings from a study conducted by the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) indicate that only 9% of top male executives are overweight. In addition, overweight people typically are hired for less prestigious positions and generally receive less pay. Although some executive recruiters don't believe that a person's weight plays a part in career advancement, many other experts believe otherwise.
Sharon Voros, president of Voros Communications, a management and career consulting firm in Ft. Worth Texas, has written a provocative two-article series about weight discrimination in the workplace. The articles, which are located at The Wall Street Journal's online career journal Web site, are:
After reading these two articles, please answer the following questions:
- According to the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA), why do companies have a hard time hiring overweight candidates?
- One NAAFA study found what type of disparity between overweight employees' pay and their thinner counterparts?
- Explain the female-oriented standard called "the size-eight straightjacket".
- According to the articles, under what conditions are overweight employees protected against size-related discrimination?
- What strategies does the author suggest to help overweight executives secure employment with other firms?
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