There are many ways you can prepare for your role in the project. Our textbook and lectures are a good start. But there are also many resources and experiences that are available to you. You are in charge of preparing yourself for your role, learning about the skills and requirements for your role. You should blog regularly on your project page to show your progress.
If this activity would be helpful for your role for this project, you may want to do this activity and you should blog on your own project page.
If you are choosing this because you are just interested and curious, or as a browse assignment, you can post your comments here.
Project Preparation: Expert Witnesses
Google around and find out what you can about expert witnesses. Who are they? What are they experts in? Where do they work? What is their role in a trial or legal case? What did you find out that was the most interesting? If you had to be an expert, what kind would you want to be? etc.
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