After taking this class and learning about different areas of study related to psychology and law, I think it would be beneficial for people to know the wide variety of jobs that incorporate both psychology and law. I was looking around the web, and one of the best sites I found was actually put out by the American Psychology Association. This first website gives an overview of what psychology and law is. Next, it talks about the different educational requirements and training needed to specialize in various jobs. Some of the jobs it talks about range from developmental psychology to forensic psychology. Finally, this website gives an insight to actual people who are perusing jobs in psych and law related work areas.
Another website I found that I thought was very informative and interesting was particularly about forensic psychology. I really liked this website because it was very easy to navigate to and gave information that is relevant to someone who is actually looking into going into this job career, as well as someone who is just looking to get some basic background information. This website is put online by West Chester University.
Finally, I thought that the job of Forensic Serology/DNA criminalists was also very interesting. This website gives basic information on what exactly forensic science is. Also, it gives a good description of the basic requirements needed to perform at this job successfully.
There are many jobs out there that people with either psychology or law degrees can get involved with. Psychology has expanded in today's world, and just because you get psychology degree doesn't mean you will be counseling people the rest of your life. There are so many job opportunities available out there. People need to realize what interests them, and surely they will find a job that relates to psychology!
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