Please read Chapter 19 in the Minds on Trial book (Andrea Yates). Briefly summarize the chapter and your opinion of it. Then describe what aspects of psychology are relevant to this case. Finally, find three additional sources (links) on the internet that discuss the specific case, or a specific psychological issue relevant to the case. Discuss each of those links. Provide your links at the bottom of your comment.
March 2012 Archives
For this topical blog, watch 12 Angry Men (you can watch the old version, or the 'new' 1997 version). One of the versions will be shown in class on 3/22.
Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Discuss the movie in terms of the psychological principles operating (particularly as relevant to social psychology).
Read Chaper 6, Jury Selection.
What was your level of knowledge about jury selection prior to reading this chapter? How is that different now? What was the most surprising thing you learned in this chapter? Now, choose one topic that you learned about in this chapter, and go out in the internet world and find out more about that topic/case/etc. Discuss what you found and provide your link(s).
Dr. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva: The Racial Grammar of Everyday Life in Contemporary America
There was an extra credit opportunity last week that some of you took advantage of...if you went, please write up your thoughts about the talk as a comment to this blog post. If there were relevant connections to psychology and law, note those as well.
Read Ch 9 in C&K.
What was your level of knowledge about the insanity defense prior to reading this chapter? How is that different now? What was the most surprising thing you learned in this chapter? Now, choose one topic that you learned about in this chapter, and go out in the internet world and find out more about that topic/case/etc. Discuss what you found and provide your link(s).
This essay should show your developing knowledge of your role in the mock crime/trial. You should discuss and describe what you are learning about your role. If you role has been engaged in the class project already, make sure to discuss your experience (without divulging case-sensitive information!)
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