February 2012 Archives

Browse this website: http://investigation.discovery.com/tv/real-interrogations/real-interrogations.html

watch some interrogations, take some quizzes.

what did you learn? what most surprised you? what does psychology have to do with it all?

Read Ch 2 on Interrogations and Confessions.

Summarize the chapter. Did you learn anything surprising? Were any of your own ideas about interrogations/confessions debunked by reading this chapter? What is something you want to learn more about? Search on that topic and report on some additional information about that topic. Provide any links to resources.

Your posts should be getting progressively longer and more detailed. You should clearly link psychology to the legal context under evaluation.

Review the following 3 websites:
Based on your reading of Chapter 5, what really IS profiling? What are the myths about profiling? How accurate is the profiling information in the above sources?


This topical blog will be devoted to your analysis of the movie Silence of the Lambs.

Watch the movie (rent, netflix, in class on tuesday 2/21). Take notes.

Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of the elements of the movie that are accurate and inaccurate in terms of profiling. You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook/lecture concepts (and discuss their accuracy).

For this week, read Ch 5 in C&K on profling

Summarize the chapter. Did you learn anything surprising? Were any of your own ideas about profiling debunked by reading this chapter? What is something you want to learn more about? Search on that topic and report on some additional information about that topic. Provide any links to resources.

Your posts should be getting progressively longer and more detailed. You should clearly link psychology to the legal context under evaluation.


This topical blog will be devoted to your analysis of the movie Primal Fear.

Watch the movie (rent, netflix, in class on tuesday 2/14). Take notes.

Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of one or more principles about the intersection between law and psychology. You should discuss whether or not the principles you focus on are depicted accurately (or not). You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook/lecture concepts. Finally, you should discuss what was the most interesting aspect of the movie for you.

Lineup Construction and Evaluation

Put together a lineup. Read the eyewitness guide for information on how to put together a lineup.

Go here: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/AppCommon/

Choose a guy (search on some characteristics, or a name).

Then find fillers to match

Copy and paste into a word document


Show to friends, collect data according to instructions provided in the below link.

Read: http://eyewitness.utep.edu/consult05B.html

Calculate lineup bias: http://eyewitness.utep.edu/documents/bias-calc.xls 

Write about your experience and findings here.

Read the Guide. https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/178240.pdf

After reading it, discuss some aspect of it that struck you as particularly interesting, insightful, or surprising.

Next, what elements of psychology do you see as underpinnings of the various guidelines? Choose two and specifically detail how the science of psychology is the basis of the particular rule.

For this week, read Ch 7 in C&K on eyewitness identification and testimony.

Summarize the chapter. What is the most interesting thing you learned? What surprised you the most? What is something you want to learn more about? Search on that topic and report on some additional information about that topic. Provide any links to resources.

Your posts should be getting progressively longer and more detailed. You should clearly link psychology to the legal context under evaluation.
