Project Preparation: Lineups

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There are many ways you can prepare for your role in the project. Our textbook and lectures are a good start. But there are also many resources and experiences that are available to you. You are in charge of preparing yourself for your role, learning about the skills and requirements for your role. You should blog regularly on your project page to show your progress.

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Project Preparation: Lineup Construction and Evaluation

Put together a lineup. Read the eyewitness guide for information on how to put together a lineup.

Go here:

Choose a guy (search on some characteristics, or a name).

Then find fillers to match

Copy and paste into a word document


Show to friends, collect data


Calculate lineup bias:

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I thought that this would be a very cool project to do. I went to the website above and typed in a common description for someone living in the Midwest. Dark Blonde hair, 5'10" to 6'2" in height, 170-190 pounds, white skin, blue eyes etc. Also I stimulated that they must have been convicted for murder, in the first degree. I picked one guy to be my suspect and then found 5 other guys matching the exact same description. Out of the 15 people I asked, only two picked my suspect, which I think was because there were two other guys who looked angry in their mugshots, they were chosen the most.
Exact Probability of these results=.272603
Proportion of Identifying these results= .133
standard error of p=.88
Chance Expectation= 1.67
Critical Ratio for diff from chance= -.380
Overall I think I made a pretty good lineup considering when I asked people why they chose suspect 1 and 2 they said because they look the meanest, other than that they were unable to ascertain my main suspect from description alone.

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