Could you be a court reporter?

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When doing my "day in the life" essay I found out just what it takes to be a court reporter. I found it extremely interesting that in order to be a court reporter you had to be able to pass a test in which you need to type 225 per minute as well as have 97% accuarcy. I tried my hand at this at

This will tell you how fast you can type as well as your accuracy to give a score. (If you don't score 225 wpm don't let this crush your dreams people who still pick at the keys. Yeah, you know who you are.)

When interviewing my cousin I couldn't help but wonder if this job will be in high demand over the next couple of years. I wondered if technology could possibly take over the need for a person to be typing. However, this article would give much different information. It explains that court reporters are indeed the "guardians of the record".

The U.S. news states that this is actually one of the 50 best careers of 2010. I found this article to be extremely informative. I also found out that on average a court reporter makes almost $50,000 a year. This field is also predicted to grow more than 18 percent between 2008 and 2018. I would say that looking into this career would be a definite option and looks like the future is promising for this job as well.  

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When I was in high school, I had to take a typing class. We had a guest speaker one day who was a court reporter. I was interested in hearing what she had to say about her job and I was amazed at how fast she could type. She really enjoyed her job and we could tell because she wanted to get us interested in it, too. This was a few years ago, and she said that there are plenty of jobs available for court reporters, all you have to do is look. I don't know if I'd pick court reporting as a career, but it does seem like an interesting job- especially considering some of the cases you'd have to type up.

I never really have looked into the crimnoloy field and though.. Hey! I want to be a court reporter, but reading this article made me rethink this. It is a key element in a court case, and a lot of pressure does ride on this individual. Not to mention some of the amazing cases you would get to here about and all the details you would know. It kind of seems like this occupation gets put off to the side because it's not as action packed or eventful, but in my mind it would be a good career because I'm not big at putting myself at risk. I would definately look more into this as a career option in the future.

One of my past professors that I had accouple of years ago told my class that his daughter was a court reporter. He said she accidentally got into the career and now she is a millionaire. I thought it was really cool because I never knew that they could make so much money just for typing.

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