Why Tiger Woods Cheated

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The story of Tiger Woods has been the top story for the past how many weeks. It seems as if people cannot get enough on this topic. I can across an article on PsychCentral that gives several reasons as to why Tiger Woods cheated on his wife. To view the different studies and psychological reasons why he cheated you can visit the link here

I also chose to blog about this article because it seems as if people are being consumed by this personal issue of his life. Although he is a famous golfer and an idol to many people, is his infidelity really anyones business? Being famous does put some guidelines on how people should act, but everyone is human. How much of someone private life should be given to the public even if they are famous? I believe the media crosses the line and that someday there may even be a law banning this sort of publicity, at least I hope so. The US recently passed a health care bill and even still Tiger Woods cheating scandal was being aired more often than information on the bill. Hopefully people will realize the implications that media exposure has on people's lives, and stop supporting it so much.

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I read the article and found it interesting. I feel like I may have heard this before but I find it most intriguing that men are more distressed when their wives physically cheated on them and women are more distressed when men emotionally cheat on them. Another gender difference in relationships...

Recently I watched a southpark episode about famous men who cheat and how they tried to say they all had some form of sex addiction which is ridiculous which is why it was funny. I agree that the media should be focusing on much more important thiings than destroying peoples lives. It seems as soon as they slap some type of psychological reason for them to do it, it makes seem ok. O he just has a sex addiction problem dont mind him. Honestly from what I understand his situation does not sound like it. Now its all about jeese james . I wonder how many women will make up a story that they have been with someone famous.

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