Tips: Witnessing a crime

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I was interested after talking about mock witnessing in class and other forms of eyewitness accounts, about what to do if you do witness a crime. I researched some websites to see what they might say about what someone should do if they do see and know that a crime is being committed.

We all might think now that if a crime was going on then, yeah, we know exactly what to do, but when an actual crime is happening in front of our eyes the question is what would we really do in that situation. In example, I thought the first time I was going to get pulled over by the police I would be calm and not panic, but the truth was I cried, and this wasn't how I pictured myself reacting to that situation. I know that people give tips on doing things, and that is what the websites are for below, tips, and whether they are helpful tips to any situation, they are better than not having anything at all. I just thought that it would be interesting to know what the tips were to witnessing a crime, and even though they are common sense it always nice to be reminded just in case something happens in front of your eyes that was extremely quick. So here are some websites with tips for if you ever witness a crime of any kind happening in front of you! Plus they are kinda interesting!!

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