Think, if today you were
called for a jury duty what would be going through your mind? Would it be how
was I picked out of a whole county, city, or state? What will I even be doing?
Will I get in trouble for leaving work or school? Is there any pay that comes
with jury duty? If i go through the whole process, what happens in the
deliberation? Am i able to talk about the case with others? Is this a criminal
or civil case? These are all questions that you might ask yourself along with
many others. It is not all that common that a person is called for Jury duty,
so when they are it is like a whole new world for them. In most cases they have
no idea that to do, how to go about things, and have a head full of so many
questions. In that case it is important that a person be educated on what jury
duty is, how it works, and what goes on during cases. They should also be
educated on how you act while the trial is going on, and how to deliberate the
verdict with other jury members.
Jury duty is
a responsibility we have as citizens of the United States of America to comply
with. If looked at in a positive way, jury duty can be very educational and
sometimes fun.
government website is very helpful with those questions. This web page will
take you through three steps, 1) How jury service operates 2) The jury
selection process 3) The trial process.
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