Secret Jury to decide the fate of Scott Roeder

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A man named Scott Roeder took the life of one Doctor George Tiller. Roeder said that he was saving the future lives of unborn babies. The court has put together a secret jury of 8 men and 6 women and a couple more are coming to put the jury team together. To know if the jury is biased or not is really difficult. This case has caused an uproar for both sides of the topic throughout the nation. Many want him dead while many are wanting him to be released. The court is trying to keep the general public and media out of this case because of the sensitivity of the situation the court is discussing. There is a lot psychological problems going on here with this guy. Personally I believe this is a touchy topic so I won't be commenting on it to avoid any disputes or arguments. But I agree on not allowing the media and public in because that could cause riot or a public frenzy in any which way the case goes.

More on the case is below.,2933,583518,00.html

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