Memory for Dummies

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For the crimescene workshop, I'm in charge of the "Memory" station. Upon researching informatoin about memories, I came across this helpful website that explains the difference concepts of memory. It's a very easy read, and I think it helps to explain what memory actually is, and how it works. Hopefully it will help me with the workshop as well!



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So, to be completely honest...the cool picture caught my eye so I decided to check out the link. It's amazing how many articles there are related to memory. Clicking on one link will take you to another article, then so on and so on. I came across this link after going-click happy, which talks about ways to improve your memory.

My grandfather died of Alzheimers, so for me, I worry about suffering from some form of dementia when I get older. As a college student, I seem to have post-its everywhere to try to outline what I need to do and as little reminders; however, if you are like me, you end up with too many and forget about some, or the list just carries over and gets longer from week to week.

The website gives 10 ways to improve one's memory. I will just recap a few of them that I thought to be particularly relevant to college students:

10. Drink in moderation
It's hard to go against the flow and pace yourself when drinking in college, but binge drinking in college can definitely takes its toll on our memories later in life.
9. Seek treatment for depression
Although most college students probably aren't suffering from depression, they may feel bogged down by excessive homework, projects, work, etc. We don't necessarily need to seek treatment for this, but we do need time to "destress" and "detox" so our bodies do not get worn out.
6. Pay attention
I myself am very guilty of not always paying attention to the details. Right after I meet someone, I often find myself wondering what their name was. When I try to retell stories to friends or parents, I forget the minor details that they end up wanting to know. I always say to myself that I need to pay more attention, so this might be a relevant factor in others' lives as well.
5. The name game
This relates back to what I just said about names under pay attention.

There are other helpful tips, but you can go and check out the website yourself! Hopefully you find this website useful if you fall short of some of the things I do when it comes to memory.

This picture also caught my attention, weird how that works! Anyways I read the previous comment and the part about the name game really caught my eye. I taught cheer camp in high school, have worked at a pool where I have to learn a lot of names, and coached gymnastics, once again needing to know everyone's names. I had used the "trick" of repeating the person's name back to them had help me, but not as much as I had liked. I used characteristics of the gymnasts such as the leos that they typically wore to remind myself like "Kelly in red" I think it makes things much easier when you can place certain features/characteristics with people.

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