Health Care Battle

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When it comes to Heath Care our country is pretty much split down the middle. So who is right the Democrats or the Republicans? I have been trying to follow what is going on in the news, but it is hard to find an opinion that is not bias to either side. So how does this have to do with Law and Psychology? If you listen to the new you will hear about what kind of lawsuits the Republicans are trying to come up with to challenge the bill now that it has been passed. And psychologically this battle over health care is going to be very harmful on our generation. How do we learn what to do for our country if the people who are supposed to be role models do not even know how to get along? Is there another war in our future? As for right now this is not the case. the bill has been sent back to the House for another vote by the Republicans. Below is a link to where the bill is right now. The Republicans have used to amendment process to send the bill back into vote and therefore delay the process of implementing the bill.



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