When many people, myself included, think of zero tolerance policies in schools we think weapons. Clearly bringing a weapon to school is not something that should be handled by a stern talking to and a don't do it again. However, a 12-year old girl was arrested, as in handcuffs taken to the station the works, for doodling on her desk. Yeah. The was not any profanity or death threats it wasn't even scratched into the desk just written in green marker. Now I'm not saying that there shouldn't be some punishment for this but this is something that should be handled by say making her clean it up and missing recess not a public arrest in front of her classmates and a three day suspension. In the article I read this in there are several more stories of schools engaging in what I can only call disproportionate retribution the punishments unleashed on these students hardly fits the crime. I have great faith in the people who become police officers but it is things like this that remind me why it is best that there be rules in place to keep the police on there leash. You can read the whole story here
Zero Tolerance Gone Mad
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