Where'd they go?

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Witness Protection Program, what is it? There's a lot of information that I didn't know about it, so I decided to write my blog on it. Turns out about 9,500 people are in the program, that's so many! I think that it would be so weird to be in the program and up and leave everyone and everything you know, however it's all to save your life. The witness protection program has an 88% success rate, meaning that only 12% of the people who go into this program get caught by the people they're hiding from....crazy. I think it's nuts that we've developed such a program that can completely erase your real life and replace it with a 'fake' one. I think that if I was in the program I'd get confused myself and not remember what my 'fake' name was.
Here is a website I found that has some questions and the answers about the Witness Protection Program

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The witness protection program has always fascinated me, though I would not want to be in it. It's crazy that these people are wanted and basically need to be given new lives in order to survive. I found some other websites that go into more detail about the witness protection program.

This one is the U.S. Marshals' website, explaining briefly what the program is.

This website I find more interesting. It gives a step-by-step analysis of what the witness protection program is like in detail. There is a lot of stuff on this site that I did not know before.

After reading more about the Witness Protection Program I immediately became fascinated with it. I knew it existed and I knew roughly why and how it is used, but it is still amazing to know that some families have to up and leave their residence and never again talk to family and friends. It is upsetting to know that some people in this program are victims because they unexpectedly witnessed a crime and now they have to move somewhere else, live with a new identity, and give up ties to family and friends. On the other hand there is the other type of people in the Witness Protection Program and those are criminals. I personally don't feel bad for them if they have to enter the program, but those who are unfortunate enough to witness a crime it can lead to consequences that they must agree to if they want to live safely. The legal aspect to this program is obvious but the psychological aspects are hidden. After researching more on this program I found that before entering the program adults are given a psychological examination. Also related to psychology would be the question of do people put in this program experience problems with identity issues. I would guess that some people who are placed in this program face somewhat of a problem with identity issues because environment helps shape people's behaviors, actions, and thoughts but now this person is set into a new environment with a new identity and must acquire new friends. To understand more about identity problems visit this site: http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=9697
Overall though I believe this is a successful program, but like anything else it has a negative side to it.

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