Taking one life + Life in Prison = Parole?

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Did you know that a majority of imprisoned murderers only spend 8 years, on average, in jail? Rediculous right? What is the worth of a human life, or 5, or 100? Where do we draw the line? September 18, 2004 the LA Times put out an article concerning MORE killers getting out on parole. The article discusses Governer Schwarzenagger letting out 48 murderers in only one years time! The most common release for murderers in prison is due to "good behavior" and a "clean prison record." How can someone who murdered a person, or numerous people, get out of prison for "good behavior" when what they are in there for deserves death itself? This cite leads to the LA Times cite housing the article about Schwarzennager: http://articles.latimes.com/2004/sep/18/local/me-parole18 

The following website delivers a few statistics based on granted paroles: http://www.citizensinc.org/parolestatistics.html 

I understand second chances-- and wrongful charges. But how does the victims family feel about all the goings on? The person who took the life of their loved ones being set free? I side with the victims in this one. The website: http://www.murdervictims.com/Parole.htm gives a little information regarding the victims rights and ways they can get a parole overturned.

The Parole process is a long one that does take victim's family and suspect into consideration. The process has to look at all sides because if they release a criminal and the criminal repeats the offense- or worse- it goes back to the board that chose to grant parole. So the board has to have put some heavy thought into their decision. The following website is a cite that describes the governing process of parole in the state of Connecticut: http://www.cga.ct.gov/2009/rpt/2009-R-0345.htm 

As you can see, parole sentences are governed by state and each state has its own set rules of who they are willing and not willing to let rome the streets among us. Each state has a public record of their procedures,etc. that determine parole sentences, some more strict than others. All sites are easily accessed through search for parole sentences in said states.

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