'Sweat lodge' guru charged in deaths

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This article was about James Ray who is a self-help guru. He gives people advice regarding physical, mental, or financials. As it turns out, in 2008 Ray organized a giant sweat lodge in Arizona. Three people ended up dying and others in the hospital. He has been charged with three counts of manslaughter. This looks to be an accident, a terrible accident, but it was not intentional. Since he has been charged it will be interesting to see how it goes over in court for James Ray.

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1 Comment

Is this for real? Have any of the members of this Grand Jury ever played high school sports? How many of you played basketball, football, soccer, etc and had a coach that pushed you to the limit? I remember plenty of my fellow players (including myself) "revisiting" our lunches from the school day before while practicing. My coach never forced us to keep going, but he never said we could stop either. This seems to be a tragic accident, but what kind of a "spiritual warrior" doesn't have the gusto to say "hey man, I'm into this stuff, but I'm MORE into being alive, so I gotta get some air". Unless these men were actually locked in the room against their will, it seems that these people should consider this a tragedy, not a crime.

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