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OK I go through this everytime I make a post. So I know how to create an entry, I type it out, save it, I can preview it, but how do I publish it so that it shows up on the actual psych&law site? When I manage my post I can see published and unpublished entries so I know there has to be a way to do it. I have published my entries before, but it always seem to be a roundabout way that I can never remember for the next time.
So I'm trying to submit my book report through turnitin.com and I can not get the class ID to work . There are only six numbers listed to I was wondering if maybe there is a missing number. So idk if anyone else has submitted there paper and cold help me our or Dr. MacLin please let me know when you get a chance.
Emily - the correct ID number is 3041608
If we are doing the project "create a lineup" Do we create a false story and then give different characteristics of the perp to the people who are trying to pic the perp? Or do we just show them the photos and ask them who they think is guilty?