Psychological Effects on a Child of Sexual Abuse

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As many of us come into our choice of major such as Psychology, Family Services, Social Work etc. we will be forced to come across disturbing subjects like Sexual Child Abuse. It takes a special person and state of mind to work with these children and really understand what they go through psychologically and physically.

This is an article in great detail about the psychological effects on Children who are sexually abused. It takes you though their minds and what children who have been abused tend to think and act. This article will briefly expand on the long term effects of sexual abuse and take you through two Syndromes associated with sexual child abuse: The Stockholm Syndrome & The Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome.

These children also go through depression and the emotions tied with depression. They have fear, anger, hopelessness, betrayal, sadness, and every other emotion. A person working with these children really has to understand what those emotions feel like to the child. This article better helps explain these emotions.

It also has a section on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. This is a memory or fear that springs up at any given time due to a traumatic event that has happened in your life. It is something most children live with once they are the victim of sexual abuse.

I hope this easy read article helps some of you going into a career that handles cases like this. 


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