Lie Detectors and Forensic Psychophysiologists

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One subject that has always been intriguing to me was the lie detector.  After googling the subject many websites came up on how to beat a lie detector, which was surprising to me after learning and reading that it is very difficult to do.  I did come upon a valuable website that explains how the entire lie detection process works and who is involved with detecting lies.  First, it must be understood that lies are not ever detected but the physiological responses that appear when someone may be lying is what is detected.  It is obvious to many that lie detectors are used sometimes when someone is a suspect of a crime committed.  During a lie detecting session the person being tested is alone with the polygraph examiner, who now prefers to be called a forensic psychophysiologist.  It depends on the state, but most examiners must have prior training and education on how to use the computerized polygraph.  This is where psychology becomes involved.  One example of a polygraph examiner school is the Axciton International Academy.  At this school one thing that must be satisfied by students is that they pass a 10-week course that teaches psychology, physiology, ethics, history, question construction, psychological analysis of speech, and chart analysis and test-data analysis. The fact that psychology is involved in their education makes perfect sense.  Psychology could help explain why people lie and what their motives are. On the legal side of things, there is a low chance that a person's polygraph results will be used in court.  The only state in the U.S. that allows for open showing of polygraph results is New Mexico.  All the other states need to first meet requirements that allow for the results to be shown.  During a legal case both the prosecutor and defender must agree to show the results in court.  Lie detection seems to be portrayed differently in the media and I think that is where most people get their opinions and information about lie detection.  Personally, I think polygraphs are overused in law shows because in real life lie detectors are not the first route a prosecutor uses.  This website offers much more information; check it out if this topic interests you.



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