I Pledge Allegiance to- YOU!

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Cult: a group of people who organize around a strong authority figure.

well that's not too bad. Anything could be classified as a cult then- Religion, households, classrooms, etc. So what makes Christianity differant from "The Family"?

Cults have always interested me. Not because of the leaders, but because of the followers. How can someone be brainwashed so completely that they forget about everything they once held dear. Granted, if you look at the time span of most cults, the 60's and 70's were largely the history base of these happenings. Now i'm not saying drugs was the only thing to do with it but.... you understand, it had a large part to play. As did having a leader who was a great speaker and very persuassive.

But what explains how 40 individuals can enter a death pact together- and all but one keep it? Or how a group of people can live thinking they are in a space ship- when really they're in an underground house?

Cult Psychology- its an interesting thing. You should look it up!

Cult Psychology: http://www.skeptictank.org/hs/cultdyn.htm

Manson Family Cult: http://www.religioustolerance.org/dc_charl.htm

Top 10 Cults: http://listverse.com/2007/09/15/top-10-cults/


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