Just how much does t.v. really influence people? Do people really commit crimes in order to be just like the character on the t.v. show? Well this is what I was wondering when i found this website about Andrew Conley of Rising Sun.,
Ind. He was 17 years old when he killed his 10 year old brother, whose
name is Conner. He claimed that he did this to feel just like Dexter, who
is a murderer in a TV show.
Both brothers were just wrestling when thing turned bad. Andrew placed
Conner into a headlock and did not let go until he lost consciousness.
Then Andrew chocked Conner for 20 minutes and placed a plastic bag over
Conner's head. He then dragged Conner's dead body down to the basement to
place it in the trunk of the car.
Once Conner's body was in the trunk of the car, Andrew drove over to his girlfriends'
house and stayed for a while. He even seemed happier than ever
before. But his girlfriend did not know that Andrew's ten year old
brother was dead in the trunk of his car at that time.
On the website you will find out the sick reason to why Andrew killed his
brother. I think this website will allow anyone into the mind of a cold
blooded killer. It really left an impression on me and now when I have children, I will really think twice about what they watch.
How Much Do T.V. Shows Influence Teenagers?
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After reading through the article, I am so disturbed by this story. Andrew is a cold-hearted killer. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he even had intentions of killing his father. Mens rea is definitely present in this case. It just creeps me out knowing that he was in a manic state after murdering his 10 year old brother, who probably looked up to him. And the fact that he went to his girl friend's house afterwards, and she had no idea why he was in such a great mood. It is just sad thinking about the little brother Connor. There are cases were fooling around gets out of hand and goes to far, but Andrew knew what he was doing and needs to be punished accordingly.
Wow, what a scary story. Clearly the 17 year old is mentally ill. He has many of the characteristics of a psychopath, including lack of guilt, remorse and a general demeanor of insensitivity. Psychopaths tendency to say anything without regards for the truth or accuracy that gives them a sense of superficial charm explains his ability to have basic high school social relationships. The mania associated with the visit to his girlfriend also to the psychopaths tendency to manipulate others behavior to meet their needs, it was as if his brothers death satisfied his need to kill, which caused this manic state.
As far as his ridiculous TV excuse, anyone who has watched more than a few episodes of Dexter knows that Dexter only kills bad people, and he does eventually feel emotions. It would be interesting to know more about the connection between TV and teens, but I am not buying it in this case.
Antisocial personality disorder and Mens Rea are the first two words that came to mind after reading this disturbing article. A kid who has some mental issues and a kid who planned this killing along with the thoughts of other killings; like to kill his father. I also think it is a sick excuse that Andrew used Dexter as his reason why he killed his brother, Connor. You would think if you were going to kill like someone, you would kill just like them. Dexter killed people who deserved to be killer, like rapists, murders, and child killers. Andrew killed his brother for no reason, but just to kill to make himself feel good.
Another question that came to my head was why did he only want to kill his father? Why not his mother at all? Makes me think that he had some kind of hate towards family men. That would be a question I would ask.
I think further investigation should be done on Andrew. Asking friends, neighbors, school personnel, and family if he has ever exhibited odd behavior; killing animals, avoiding social activities or events, or having been hurt by him before.
I clicked on the link within this article and read more on it. Andrew says that he just HAD to kill his brother, just like when you are hungry you just have to eat. This is not a sign of just wanting to be like a TV actor, this is a sign of a real Psychopath. It also says in the article that the family tended to keep to themselves...which is fine, but if I was a prosecutor I would be looking more into the family as well. It is also very disturbing that he made a stop over at his girlfriend’s home and she recalls him being a lot happier that she has seen him in a while. It is clear right there that he got pleasure from killing his brother and that was his mode of happiness.
It seems to me that Andrew displayed some very psychological disturbances. Yes the show Dexter may have had some influence on his actions, but it is much deeper than that. This is a kid with some serious mental issues which need to be looked at further. Going into his home life, social life, and even personal life.
I found this article very interesting. This has given me some ideas for a Post of my own.
Very interesting read!