After reading the custody battle between Sean's parents and the legal system it started me to think about how often such situations occur. On this website they say that over 200,000 kids are kidnapped by family members. I knew that there were a lot of cases but did not expect it to be that high.
Along with this this goes what happens when a custody battle takes place and what are the different types of custody a parent/guardian can have over a child.
The website below talks about the different types of custody's a parent will petition for when dealing with a divorce. It also informs you of what happens after a custody battle with dealing with visitation rights and everything else that goes along with it.
Along with this this goes what happens when a custody battle takes place and what are the different types of custody a parent/guardian can have over a child.
The website below talks about the different types of custody's a parent will petition for when dealing with a divorce. It also informs you of what happens after a custody battle with dealing with visitation rights and everything else that goes along with it.
This article sparked my interest right away because I have a sister going through a Custody Battle with my nephew's father. Right now she has physical custody, which after reading this article, means that she makes the decision on where he lives, who picks up or drops off and other decisions like that. Of course her discoing is to have my nephew live with her because he always has and he is only two. His father was never really in his first year of life until now, and he is taking my sister to court so that he can have both legal and physical custody. After reading this article again, I learned that what he really wants is for my nephew to live with him and his new girlfriend and he wants to make all of the major decisions, like health care, school, dental care, and all other necessities.
They are going through a tough battle that in my opinion doesn’t really need to be. He has refused to go through mediation, which means that here is a third party involved and from there they will work out and set up a parenting plan on how the child will be raised. He refuses to cooperate in that manner.
Custody battles are very emotionally draining on everyone. I honestly think that my nephew's father has lost sight of what is really happening, and that is he is putting more stress on his son than anyone. Although he is only two, I can tell he has changed in ways. He feels the tension and knows that something is wrong between his mom and dad.
This article helped me out a lot on what everything means and how the process works. It was very helpful.