Community Service for Criminals

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Often times, we think of criminal sentencing as either going to jail or paying a fine. Another avenue of punishment is community service. This type of punishment is more rare, and is usually reserved for first time offenders, petty crimes, and other circumstances. Although it has its criticisms, the goals of community service programs are to reintroduce good behavior and promote accountability of a person to his or her community. Instead of taking away a community's resources to fund a jail, the community is benefiting from the efforts of these petty criminals.

Although some people may think that most criminals should be punished by jailtime, I disagree. Assuming, of course, that the court is able to accurately judge the potential of future criminal activities by a convicted criminal, I think that community service is a viable option for many. Again, this would require the discretion of the courts.

I found a very interesting article that talks about community service in China. Other countries are seeing the benefits of our system and implementing it abroad:

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I would have to agree with you on this. I think that going into prisons they might get lost and the question of if small time offenders are able to be an asset to community, while doing community service shows that they are able to give back in a way to the community. Besides paying for them to sit in jail and to help with some overcrowding, give them community service and something to do beside hurt each other in prison.

Before coming here I attending Iowa Central and I stayed in the dorms on that campus. The first time I was there I saw some people in orange jumpsuits, and I didn't know what to think about that. The college brought over criminals to keep busy with landwork (mowing, planting, scooping snow.. etc). I know that it was better for them to being doing something outside the walls of the prison then just sitting around, and there wasn't a problem with them trying to escape either. That is an example of what I saw of community service, but the men where still in prison. I just think it's an alternative to those that go to jail that might not be a big threat to society and community service might be better for them besides doing nothing for the community.

In a way, they should give back by doing community service because of what they might have done to the community (rob a local shop, or store). So I do have to agree that this is sometimes a better way for the offender to do time besides do time.

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