A portfolio documents work products and the effort engaged in doing that work.
A portfolio can take many forms (hard copy or digital). A hard copy portfolio will be in a binder with a table of contents and tabs. A digital portfolio is a website or blog.
A portfolio should impress and persuade.
A portfolio should showcase your skills and knowledge.
A portfolio can show growth and development (in other words it makes sense, and is okay, if work done later in the semester is 'better' than work done earlier in the semester). However, in our class where you get to choose what goes into your portfolio, it of course makes sense to choose your best work.
A portfolio is purposeful and organized.
You must include in your portfolio the required elements: 15 blog comments, 15 blog posts, your book report, and 13 projects. You may also want to include a section that has other blog posts and comments that you did (beyond the 15 required, each). You may include *anything* that you believe displays your effort, skills, and knowledge in the course.
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