Want to Solve a Crime Yourself?...Follow these procedures and you are sure to be an expert!

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Have you ever wanted to be the detective behind it all? You want to be that person to solve the crime and at the end feel good about! If so, this website will tell and describe to you how to properly solve any kind of crime whether it be a murder, rape, or an assault of any kind! This lengthy Truro Police Department manual takes you step by step on the whole process: dealing with suspects, determining the crime, follow up investigations, and more! 
This gives you the guidelines to do a preliminary criminal investigation. This would also be the first responding officer as we have learned in class. It is to identify if the criminal is still around and armed, enter safely, locate victims and more. These procedures give a little more detail than what we learned in class.
The investigation procedure is more of what we talked about. That is to record and document everything. The time of arrival, weather conditions, reports of what victims say as well as witnesses and everything else. This also gives more detail. It also goes into detail on follow up investigations.
This manual is very effective and gives accurate procedures. They help you know how to deal with homicide and suicide cases.


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1 Comment

I found this link very interesting. I believe that it ties into what we talked about in class last Tuesday about what the Police, Detectives and CSI do when then first arrive at a crime scene. But this cite goes beyond the initial crime scene, it showed more about interviews, investigations, and even writing a report.

I believe this website gives more insight to which the jobs that Police and Detectives really do and how much work they do. On the seventh page I found this fact "It should be remembered that a waiver of Miranda warnings may be suppressed
because of language understanding difficulties, youthful age of the suspect, mental
condition, drug or alcohol consumption by the suspect, wounds, shock or other
medical impairment, and the lack of a clear, understanding, intelligent, and
competent waiver." Honestly, I never knew this nor was I ever informed and I have taken many criminal justice and criminology classes.

Overall I agree that this website describes the correct way to solve any case. I think it really gave me an insight to the correct ways to go about interviewing witnesses and suspects to how to take correct notes and writing a report. All of this information is really not known without going into the profession and learning it hands on, so I am glad that this was posted.

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