The Guily Go Free

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While I was looking into an activity to do for this week, I came across this youtube clip.

This is a short clip on a man named Herman who was wrongfully convicted of a rape about 12 years ago. He served 12 years in jail until someone took up his case to prove his innocence. During the interview, Herman talks about how it had to affect his mom. I found this point to be extremely interesting because I guess I've never thought about how it affects the family members of a wrongfully convicted victim. He said that when he saw his mom for the first time she looked warn down, and aged so much. Granted that 12 years had past, I can't imagine what this would do to a mom especially because her son got convicted of a rap. I'm sure many people believe that he was guilty, so by assumption I'd guess that they viewed the family of Herman totally differently after the sentence. I tried to put myself in his moms position, and it'd be extremely hard. To have to go through 12 years of your life thinking that your son raped someone would be a concept I can't even grasp. I can only imagine that she beat herself up for it and assumed it was her fault, like any mother would do. Another interesting point in this story is the fact that Herman's dad was a police officer himself. So, as Herman said, he was raised to believe everything the court system did was just. It just goes to show that innocent people, who do believe in what the law does, can be wrongfully convicted.

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