Project #4 - OnLine Autopsy

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Project #4 OnLine Autopsy

There is an online autopsy post available on the blog with a couple of options, and probably others elsewhere on the internet. Do one of these autopsies.

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I found an online autopsy game at It gives you a list of numbered cases to choose from and then it gives you the person's medical history. After you read the deceased's history, you are given possible medical conditions as the cause of death. If you answer incorrectly it gives you hints and lets you try again.

I would've done a much better job if I had some medical training, but it was a fun game. This game confirms that you can never assume how a person may have died, and that it's difficult to find the exact cause of death when there are multiple causes and contributing factors.

I made use of the online autopsy from the blog at I found it to be a little lacking. It was informative but only in the a general sense about what happens in an autopsy there was a short video of a British man explaining that the brain is often kept for further study. But over all the information it gave amounted to: when someone dies a corner pokes around inside to try and sort out why.

I also did the online autopsy from the blog. I thought it was very unrealistic. It gave sort of the general explanation of the autopsy procedure but it didn't go into detail. I would have liked to know more about figuring out the causes of death rather than just a step by step of making an incision, removing the organs, weighing them, etc.

I took a look at the autopsy from I found it to be informative, however it simplified the procedure greatly. I highly appreciated the fact that they used a cartoon figure and not a demonstration of the real body. The fact that I found to be most interesting was that they don't weigh the intestines and stomach until after they take the fecal matter out. I don't know why I found it interesting, but I guess I didn't even think that they would have to remove 'bowel movements' during an autopsy. All in all I found this demonstration not very detailed, but it was a pretty good reenactment of what they do. I once went to a cadaver lab and saw the aftermath of a body that had been autopsied and it was pretty gruesome (which is given), so I don't think that I'd actually want to see the real autopsy being done. I suggest checking out this activity.

I also used the online autopsy given in the syllabus. In the first minutes that I worked at it, I realized how much education a person would need to understand autopsies fully. A complete understanding of the human body would be necessary to accurately read and draw conclusions from autopsies. I enjoyed that this site showed us a video interview by a real doctor who has clearly done many autopsies. I really liked the passion this doctor showed towards his work. By showing such passion in his work it makes me what to learn more about what he does for a living. Autopsies can not only help to solve cases, but it may help bring certain types of closure to grieving families. I really respect the work the doctor in the online video is doing.

I completed an online autopsy here:

Although simplified, I found the activity to be informative and accurate. I was glad the website used an animated version of the body, as I can be squeamish. After completing this activity, my respect was renewed for the medical professionals in this area. The activity explained the level of detail the pathologists have to go through and it was quite impressive. It's so important that these pathologists complete their jobs in a timely and accurate manner.

I've heard of some people not wanting autopsies performed, not wanting to dig into the body of a loved one, and while I respect their opinions I believe autopsies are not only necessary, but a good thing. They can bring justice to people and reveal valuable new information.

I used the online autopsy also using this website.

I thought, overall, it was interesting. I would have liked to see more of all they do. It was step by step and explaining what would generally go on. I'm glad that it wasn't an actual autopsy. I wish there would have been more detail but what the people do in medical professions is fascinating. What they have to do to perform an autopsy is a lot of work. I thought it was interesting when they have to take out all the parts and weight them and then put them back. The program did give a lot of information to give one an idea what steps they have to go through. I did enjoy it.

I also did the online autopsy at This was animated game that was very informational. It gave information on how to perform an autopsy and the procedure that pathologists go through when examining a body. I thought this was very interesting because I had no idea what actually happened. The only things I knew were from tv shows and movies.

After completing the virtual autopsy at Deathonline, I would have to say I am a little disappointed. I thought that the autopsy was informative and interactive (dragging the organs to the scale, etc.), I found it a little boring. I know some people have weak stomachs, but I think I would have learned more and had the information more instilled in me had I watched clips of actually autopsies.

I was also wondering if autopsies were done the same in every single case. Would an autopsy be performed differently and more thoroughly if the person was a victim of a violent crime than a person who happened to die with no known cause?

I am also a little disappointed because the tutorial did not really mention the time it would take to do all of the steps and to complete the autopsy in general. The tutorial took me about 10 minutes, but in real life, how long would it have taken..ten hours, a day, a week, several weeks?

They also didn't really mention what exactly they look for when they examine the brain and other organs. All this particular tutorial showed was the brain being removed and the organs being weighed, but what happens after that?

Although this was an interesting and semi-educational autopsy simulation, I feel like it could have done a better job being more informative and real.

I did the online autopsy at, I watched a lot of TV shows that deal with this kind of stuff so I was just curious as to how they really performed the autopsy compared to how they do it on TV. I knew to the extent of how they cut the body open but what they did with the organs I was a little shady and I never knew they took out all the organs and and lined them up on a table to examine, I just figured they found the source that killed the person and left everything else. The game gave a lot of information and gave detailed information on how they have the table set up in the beginning for the body to even the end with putting a filler material in to fill the body with before they sew it back up. It was very educational.

I also did the autopsy at, I found it to be pretty interesting in the way that they handle the organs. I was also not aware that they actually take out all of the organs and place them on the table. I also found the short video on the brain procedure interesting. I wasnt aware that the brain was that delicate and guess I never thought about people having to be buried without their brain. Before doing the activity I was aware of some things that happened during an autopsy through the TV show Dr G Medical examiner. This show shows edited procedures of the autopsy and also Dr. G explains what she concludes in her examination. For those who havent seen this show i have provided a link.

I also did the autopsy at deathonline, i found it pretty interesting. It reminded me of of show CSI. The way the body is cut open on CSI and the way the barin is removed are the same showed on the interactive autopsy. I didn't know that they took out all the organs to be looked at and then they were placed back into the body. I thought the video about the brain procedure was boring. The website was very informative, but it wasn't very interactive. I wish we were able to do more things then taking the organs out and weighing them. It would have been nice if there was more videos showing how they do certain things, instead of just reading about it. For not having ever done an online autopsy, it was for the most part interesting.
I completed the autopsy from this website. In my opinion it was too simple from what I was expecting. I was hoping for more details and more interaction. It was interesting to see that they weighed each organ except the stomach and the intestines. Also, I think this autopsy would have been more informative if it focused more on the brain. Overall, this interactive site could've been a lot more infomative.

I did the autopsy at deathonline. I thought it was interesting, but overall kind of lame. It was nice to learn the steps of an autopsy at least, but it didn't go into as much detail as I would have liked it to. I was hoping it could have been more informative and more interactive.

I found a few different autopsy sites. One closely resembled the board game "Operation" which was very lame! The autopsy site I used can be found at

I found the autopsy to be very fascinating. Yes it is a crudely fashioned Flash movie, but it did however go through the steps - just not with as much detail as one would think. The fact that you could weigh some of the organs was pretty neat as this movie did allow for a decent amount of interaction.

There was also an embedded video of a doctor discussing the brain portion of the autopsy which was brief but informative. I also found it interesting that they provided a link to a page that showed tools that coroners use during an autopsy.

I as well did the online autopsy at:

I thougt the information they have me and the step by step process was very good and helpful. I thought it was a bit on the chid-like side, I would have enjoyed it much more if there was some actual footage either of them cleaning the organs or weighing them. Either way thought I still learned a great deal about autopsies.
I thought the most interesting thing about this "video" was how they remove the brain and somewhat preserve it. Then they are able to place the brain back in and sew everything up! That it just amazing to me. Another thing I found very intersting was the fact that they take out all the organs in the center part of the body...and then later replace them! For me personally I could never do that sort of job...very graphic!
All in all this website did expand my knowledge on autopsies and I found a lot of it very interesting! you think I can have my loved one's brain back please? Can you IMAGINE actually asking someone that? How terrible? The coroner in the short video presents the situation as if this is something that happens often. If one of my relatives needs an autopsy, I don't imagine I want to know the specifics. I don't mean to be insensitive here, but wowsa. This site provides enough information for the queasy to competently talk about the major elements of an autopsy over appetizers and a glass of wine with friends. Just make sure that the conversation shifts topics by the time the rare prime rib arrives.....

I also did the autopsy on
The step by step tutorial was nice to have while going through, however it made the procedure seem so much less than what it was. I chose to opt out of watching the video because I do not do well with blood and stuff of that nature, I'm sure if I had though I probably would've learned more. I have the up most respect for anyone who can do this as their career since I know that I wouldn't have the stomach to do so. I also found it to be really interesting that they take out all the organs, weigh them, and then put them back, or replace them with fluid like bags. I also did not know that they took the brain out... Yuck! All in all though I thought this was a pretty cool project.

I did the Autopsy like everyone else.
It was very easy to use, It had an almost childlike quality to it. It made it a lot less intense then it could have been. It was a nice little bonus being able to click and drag the organs to the table.

It made the whole experience almost normal, just like playing an operation board game. If they would have done everything with real photos I think it would have made it feel a lot more authentic.

Watching the video about the brain was informative and kind of morbidly funny. People's attachment to their deceased love ones brains could be an interesting topic to look into.

The section after the autopsy was also particularly interesting where it showcased and had actual pictures of all the tool's used.

I used the autopsy listed on the blog as well. I found the site to be informative, yet very limited in the detail of how they go about doing the actual autopsy. I would have liked it if the site had gone into more detail about how they actually determine the cause of death. One thing that I found interesting in watching the video was that the guy stated that the body is often buried without the brain inside, and I had never known that before, so I thought that was kind of an interesting fact. The website gave out good information, but I would have liked to learn more about the actual autopsy itself.

Below I put a link that explains how they go about determining the cause of death. Surprisingly, it's not all about the autopsy that can determine the cause of death. Professionals need to investigate the crime scene, and the final decision on the cause of death is determined ultimately by the jury.

I did the autopsy at
I really liked how it explained every step in a way that I could understand. Sometimes you go to websites and you can't understand what they are talking about because they assume that you know everything about it. I have only seen autopsies done on tv shows like CSI, so I was really interested in how this was done. There was also a small clip where a forensic scientist talked about the brain and that it is such a soft organ that it is hard to cut open. They have to put it in a liquid for a while until it gets hard so they can cut it open. He also talked about how it can be difficult for the family to know that their kin is having their brain taken out to be looked at. I'm sure it would be weird, but I think if I was in that position, I would want them to find out everything they could about my family member no matter what they have to do. This was interesting and I enjoyed learning about the autopsy process.

I did the interactive autopsy at from the blog. I thought that it was a nice way to show you step by step what a medical professional would have to do to perform an autopsy. However, I thought that it was not detailed enough. I thought it would be more interesting to have them go into more detail or explain more on what else they do during the procedure. I also agree with other people’s comments on how I was more interested in how they go about finding out what happened to a person then just “here’s what I do first.” One thing that I thought was interesting was how they may keep the brain for further research, and also how they go through every organ in the body. I can’t imagine going through organs to try and find one little thing that may have caused death. I do feel I have a great new respect for the medical professionals that do this kind of work. These professionals definitely went to school and have to know just about everything that has to do with the human body’s structures and functions. They also definitely help families by giving them an answer as to why a loved one passed on. These people truly are part of the “crime-fighting” unit. The activity overall was very informative and interesting, but I wish that it would have gone more into detail about how they solve what happened and detail more on the procedure of going through the organs to determine “what actually happened.”

i went through the It seems very interesting and the fact that I have taken Anatomy and Physiology and have dissected a cat and learned all about the human body as well, made this simple but informative activity well worth going through. It also brought back the smell of formaldehyde, which is not a very pleasant scent but something that you oddly get used to once you have been around it or just learn to ignore because of the fun in cutting up a cat with a scalpel.

I did the autopsy on death online just about like everybody else. I thought it was quite informative and I actually enjoyed the simpler language and explanations it used. I would not say that I have a particular interest in autopsies or performing them, but it was interesting to see the basic procedures and steps that the doctor takes while doing the examination.
One thing I think that would be a cool information to have, or for this particular online activity to add to its presentation, would be how the wounds are examined to explain or determine a cause of death. I think if they showed a few basic wounds with some explanations, which would be quite neat, although also a little disturbing.
Some other thoughts I had while doing this activity, especially when I watched the video of the doctor, was how these doctors cope with the everyday experience of seeing these bodies and the relationships between the families and their deceased loved one. I cannot imagine how difficult this would be for someone. I think I personally would never, ever, be able to perform this task.

I completed the autopsy activity on I could not get the other ones to work for some reason. It was a fairly short and simple explanation of what goes on. I think it would have been better if they included additional information as to how long the actual process takes, what it takes for someone to get involved in that occupation etc.. It is better geared toward younger people. It would have also been interesting (to me anyways) if they actually showwed instruments they used and explained there purpose. Or show abnormalities of lungs or something. They dont really explain how much paper work goes into the profession, but I can garuntee there is a lot plus a bunch of diagrams to mark. Its not as easy as they make it look on CSI and there was actually a show about this which I found much more informative. I wonder how often they get involved with the legal system such as testifying and other stuff like that.

I did the online autopsy at I found this website to be very helpful. Although I have heard of autopsies before and have seen the media try to portray them, I enjoyed being able to go step-by-step through the procedure. I believe it could have been made a little more complex so that I would have gotten a better understand of everything that goes on during an autopsy. I especially liked how I could see pictures and descriptions of all the different tools that a Forensic Pathologist uses during the procedure. I learned a lot of new and interesting information by doing this autopsy, and although I know an autopsy is much more complex, I still found this website to be helpful in getting general knowledge on how an autopsy is conducted.

I did the online autopsy from I thought that it was very informative. Most of the time people only see someone’s body on the table in TV shows such as Law & Order: SVU, CSI Miami, and etc. Like most people I really have never thought much about what the procedures were to an autopsy. I was glad that they simplified the steps and procedures to a level where people who are not in the medical profession can understand. It was very information to me on what occurs in an Autopsy and I have great respect for pathologist’s and the work they have to go through. I would not ever want to be in their shoes because of the work they do but also because of the pressures they have to deal with from DA’s and others to find forensic evidence and how their information needs to be accurate in order to put the right person in jail. I do agree that it should have been more detailed but I think that it served its purpose to inform everyone of the basic steps and procedures that occur when an autopsy is preformed.

I, like other students, did the autopsy from I thought it was pretty basic but it still gave good information how the general process of an autopsy works. I was expecting to see how they inspect each organ to find the cause of death but that was no included. Although the job of a forensic pathologist is a very important one, it's definitely not for me.

The autopsy that i choose to do was the one. It was interesting to see the step by step process of the autopsy but it would be interesting to know more details about what they are looking for when they weigh the organs or the types of tests they administer on the brain. The fact that it wasn't realistic was not a problem for me but it would have been nice to have more information.

The autopsy that i choose to do was the one. It was interesting to see the step by step process of the autopsy but it would be interesting to know more details about what they are looking for when they weigh the organs or the types of tests they administer on the brain. The fact that it wasn't realistic was not a problem for me but it would have been nice to have more information.

Like the many others before me, I completed the online autopsy at I was very disappointed in the lack of information it included. For instance, the autopsy had us weigh each of the organs except for the stomach and both intestines. However, it did explain the purpose of weighing the organs or why the stomach and the intestines do not get weighed.
I did find a video online of an autopsy that explains the process and gives a lot more information as they are performing the procedure for anybody who is interested in learning more. It's extremely graphic so if you are easily grossed out, I would NOT recommend watching it.

I completed the online autopsy at I am upset on how unrealistic it really is. It would be much more interesting if the online autopsy was more "hands on" where we would do the autopsy ourselves with some instruction and then it would explain the purposes of weighing organs, taking out organs, or even the stitching process. I think the autopsy video itself was interesting, and it was interesting to know why they take the brain out and the process of hardening it. But I would want to know more about the process itself and how it came around to doing this procedure. I would have also liked to know what kind of tools are used and the procedures they use in order to examine the body before cutting it open besides drawing the body and the markings on the body. Overall, this was a good project, but it could have been a little bit better with being realistic and more hands on in learning the steps for an autopsy.

I used the site given in the blog. I feel uncomfortable seeing dead bodies, so I don't generally watch crime shows, especially those which often show bodies on tables. For that reason I appreciated that it was a drawing of a body instead of a real one. I found the example to be informative and interesting. While participating/reading I thought of a couple questions. One being- when is an autopsy considered to be needed? What happens when authorities want an autopsy and either next to kin or the person themselves request it not to be done? Can a person request in a will not to be autopsied? And after the autopsy is finished and the Y cut is stitched, will the stitches ever dissolve-leaving scars, like a normal situation; or will the person be buried and forever have stitches? I found this great website that which answered most of my questions and gave me more to think about. The only thing I found concerning the stitches is that the stitches used on corpses are coarser than those used on live bodies. It was just a curious question, though not necessarily relevant. However I did find a website that answered my other questions and gave me more interesting facts about autopsies.


I found it hard to find a good site which was informative, so after doing a number of autopsies I'm reporting based on the one that nuermous other people have at

Although it wasn't incredibly in depth it did a great job explaining the basic process, I used a link at the end of the autopsy to a page describing some of the basic tools that are used during an autopsy. It did a good job of demonstrating how inter-related are all parts of an investigation.

The enterotome tool, used to cut open the intestines, was an interesting looking tool to me, it had to be designed to have a curved, blunt end so that it would not peirce through the wall of the intestine as the sheers are pushed along the length.
Also there was a video clip explaining how they need to remember to keep the family in mind when doing examinations. He describes that they need to consult the family and the brain, because it takes longer than usual to do a good anlaysis of it, which generally means the body would have to be buried without the brain. They could easily just keep this a secret, since no one could ever know. This is another great example of how important ethics is to all professional careers.

I chose to do the Death Online autopsy. I greatly appreciated the fact that it was animated and not actual photos. I do not know if I could handle the gruesome nature of an actual autopsy. Having said that, I wish that this autopsy would have focused or at least shown what the people who perform them do to determine cause of death. I got to weigh the organs, great, what did that tell me? Nothing. I didn't really gain a whole lot from this autopsy, aside from learning that they remove the organs, weigh them, and then put them back inside. Overall, I was unimpressed with this autopsy.

I did the 'autopsy' from the website. I found it to be informative, however it was a drawing so it wasn't very realistic. I wish that I could find an online autopsy that was legit and real. I find it to be really interesting how they do all the procedures, and all the steps they go through. Such as: draining body fluids, removal of organs, cutting through bones, etc. Online autopsy's are great ways to get information, but they don't give you the real effect of seeing a cadaver in person.

I wanted to compare and analyze a few of the online autopsies available. This is what I found:
I, as well as many others, found this to be a very simple explanation of the procedures of an autopsy. It wasn’t truly interactive per say, but it did allow the viewer to move at their pace. At one point of the activity, the user can weigh organs, but it doesn’t give you much information other than the weight is the “average for an adult human.” Most of the time spent is clicking next and reading rather than “interacting.”
This website was all textual information with fairly good material. Personally, I couldn’t find the image other posters mentioned, but one can find real images of autopsies by investigating the core site further. It cites its’ sources as well as give information on how/why/what type of autopsy is performed. The information can be, at times, somewhat dry and also there are hints of author-bias within the information. For example, the author states one “erroneous” belief for the next of kin not to allow an autopsy is, “An autopsy will result in an incomplete body, and so life in the hereafter cannot take place.” Although I am not religious myself and believe a firm separation of theology and science, the word “erroneous” seems invalid as that religious viewpoint cannot be scientifically proven or disproved. To sum, this seems like a good reference site but should not be used solely.
As Ashley explained, this is a video of an actual autopsy being performed on a female cadaver. If one is not squeamish, I would recommend starting with the base information attained by the first website in my post followed by this video. It shows how much work really must be done compared to “clicking next.” Video is approximately 5-6 minutes long. Again, this is not for the squeamish and is real.

For this week’s project, I did the online autopsy I found at

Upon reading the Presentation, one could easily conclude that there is some problem with this man’s respiratory system. The cause of death seemed to be some sort of heart failure if you read the initial presentation. After reading the history of the character and find out that the individual was a long time smoker who worked with wrought iron, you can start to put more of the pieces together. After reading the progression you learn that he died as a result of loss of blood from coughing or in medical terms haemopytsis.

Though I read the progression report, I did not instantly get the right answer. I think this was because the cause of death was stated in the summary and I was expecting the actual cause of death to be due to something else. Once I saw the answer, I found out that the cause of death and what leads up to the cause of death are two different things in the medical world. For example, even though he smoked for years, worked with wrought iron, and had artery erosion the cause of death is still haemoptysis. Those other things explain WHY he had haemoptysis but the cause of death is still the same.

From a legal standpoint, this sort of thinking is very useful to someone trying to point the onset of his haemoptysis. Thinking back to the movie A Few Good Men, there were several preexisting conditions that the victim in the movie had such as asthma and trouble breathing. Knowing that he had these conditions, the defense for the two on trial tried to use this information to make it look like the victims death was an accident. In this case, the preexisting conditions probably did cause the haemoptysis which led to his death, but it is just interesting to note that cause of death and the circumstances of the death itself are very different.

This project was somewhat difficult because I do not have any training in biology or the medical world and found the terms very confusing. However, I was able to take some things away from this project and have a better understanding of the job the corner has. From this study, I can see why different corners are brought in to testify their opinion because, like with this case, there are several causes of death that are not clearly distinguishable from each other

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