Lil Wayne's Gun Crime Brings DNA Testing Under Light

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We all know who Lil' Wayne is...famous rapper with the long dred locks.  And, most of us know about the crime he commited...being charged with gun possession.  DNA found on the gun linked Lil' Wayne to the crime, but his lawyer insists that the gun was not his, and the DNA process is not accurate enough to link him to the crime.

I put a link to the article below, and it explains Lil' Wayne's case, along with other DNA problems the system runs in to.


 Lil Wayne Pleads Guilty To Gun Charges, 8 Month To One Year Jail Sentence Expected


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I actually ran into this case on Facebook when I saw someone on my newsfeed had joined the group "Petition To Shorten Lil Wayne's Jail Time. (NEED 1 MILLION)"

Because I was curious, I browsed the group and looked at the info, it was blank. There is only a little paragraph under the group description that says "Please join and invite all friends if you agree that Lil Wayne's jail sentence should be shortened from 1 year. I need a lot of members to make a big impact. The police are still determining if he should serve 1 year or 8 months. So if you agree, join"

The pure ignorance of the statement that police are still determining his sentence is astounding.
The group has 370,575 members, and it is full of the some of the most mind numbingly unintelligent things I have ever seen.

Posts like this "
He's special becuz he is"'LIL" WAYNE and WE as the FANS need him 2 ramain FREE so that his talent and lyrics will contine to be provided 2 the world/country without lapse in time....Let's first realize that we are all human and we all make mistakes, however unless u choose not to learn from them is when it becomes an issue....."LiL" WAYNE HAS ... See MoreTOUCHED THE LIVES OF SO MANY PEOPLE IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE with the lyrics that he spits,, and only if u relate can u begin 2 understand why this petition is of the utmost importance( if it helps in anyway), so becuz u obviously don't know his status u MIGHT need to stick 2 ROCK N' ROLL.........."

People trying to rationalize because he is a good rapper, he should not be given a normal prison sentence. Does the law apply to celebrities? It certainly appears that it doesn't in a significant number of cases. Unfortunately it looks like a large number of people don't feel like they should either.

As for the unreliability of the specific DNA tests, I think that issue has probably only come up because they have the money and resources to contest it. If it has been used in that many other cases, and he gets off, couldn't all others convicted with the same test appeal their sentences?

I am still speechless from some of the comments people made in the Facebook group, I thought more people had at least common knowledge of the basic fundamentals of the legal system.

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