Finding Information to Post on the Blog

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So how should you go about finding information to post on the blog? Well first, think about where you get your information about the world, and what kind of information you typically seek out. Are you a political junky? Do you prefer entertainment news? Do you read mostly websites? Listen to talk radio? Read magazines or newspapers? Do you watch television news programs? Or do you prefer cable tv programming? Whatever the source, even if it is a hard copy newspaper or a network television show, they will almost always have an internet component to refer to. So the next time you hear, read, or see something that you think relates to the class, find that information on the internet and post it!

Now the above strategy is a great one if you already are tapped into some news sources, but you may not hear, read or see something related to the course as often as you would like or need. So then you have to seek out some information. You can seek out information in one of three ways:

1) Increase your exposure to information about the world by starting to read, listen, or watch more and different programming/sources than you currently do.

2) Google. (  Learn to google effectively, and using the variety of options to make your searches better (good key words, using the image, news, or google scholar tabs).

3) Stumble Upon. ( Stumble is a website where you designate your interests, and when you click on the stumble button, it will pull up a website related to those interests that it thinks you'll like. If you do, click thumbs up, if it's not quite right, click thumbs down. It will become better at finding sites the more you use it.

Have a favorite source of information you want to share with others? Post it here as a comment.

Happy surfing, and posting!

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