Conviction Screening Extra Credit

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If you attended the screening of Conviction, you will receive 5 pts (and i have your name on the sign up sheet).

if you choose additionally to write about the movie from the perspective of psychology of violence, you may do so as a comment to this post. this is also worth 5 pts.

if you want to watch it on dvd and write about it, you will get the 5pts for writing about it.



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First off, it was a very good movie. Kept my attention the entire time. I don't feel the entire movie as a whole had a lot to do with the violence in general, but psychology had a lot to do with it. Her brother was convicted of a murder that she felt he was wrongly convicted of, and for her to take I believe it was 17 or 18 years of her life just to become a lawyer and retry her brother's trial took not only a lot of Love, but a lot of psychological displays to figure out the case to get enough evidence to prove him innocent. There are so many different areas of psychology that was demonstrated in this movie, but the psychology of violence in this situation came into play with his history from childhood. He had a bad reputation with the law in general, so anything he was brought in for he was going to automatically be assumed guilty (by association). This unfortunately was a murder situation that was far more serious than any case he had ever caught. The movie clearly showed that he had "Aggression" issues (night club scene).

To me he seemed guilty in the beginning before his ex girlfriend came out and admitted the truth about why she testified against him, because he had an "I don't care" attitude when he was sentenced. This is kind of off topic, but this situation reminded me a little of the movie "Training Day" (which was a violent movie), because the entire movie Denzel stated "It's not what you know, it's what you can PROVE!" And this case in general was perfect proof of that. Regardless of the people that testified against him, his sister found a way to PROVE he was innocent through science.

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