I think this note is really cool. I have had the philosophy in life for many years that even a smile can save someone's life. You never know how small of an act can make someone realize that at least one person cares about them and make them not commit suicide. I know from personal experience how strong even a smile or a random "how are you today?" can be. I think things like this are amazing, and if people in the world would start to realize how strong these can be, maybe a lot more lives can be saved.
To learn from this post, I suggest that anyone who reads it should hold the doors for random people, smile at them when you walk past them, as how the person in the lunch line or grocery line is doing, let them know that they are not alone in this world, and try to put your own crankiness away and not project it on others who may be going through similar or worse things themselves. :)
I think Colleen makes a good point. I think that most of us are cosidering getting into a profession where we can have a major impact on those around us. if we are concious of the effect we could potentially have on others we may be able to be that sort of person who changes someones mind and shines a bit of light towards them. I am familiar with the post secrets web site and am always astonished to find that there are so many people who feel this same way... as if there are droves of people out there wishing somone would notice they need a hug. I have to assume that those moments when we feel lost and alone in this big world we are really very much not alone, but in the company of thousands who feel the exact way we do at that very moment. post secrets let's us know that we are not the only ones who feel so lost, and that it can get better.
I think this note is really cool. I have had the philosophy in life for many years that even a smile can save someone's life. You never know how small of an act can make someone realize that at least one person cares about them and make them not commit suicide. I know from personal experience how strong even a smile or a random "how are you today?" can be. I think things like this are amazing, and if people in the world would start to realize how strong these can be, maybe a lot more lives can be saved.
To learn from this post, I suggest that anyone who reads it should hold the doors for random people, smile at them when you walk past them, as how the person in the lunch line or grocery line is doing, let them know that they are not alone in this world, and try to put your own crankiness away and not project it on others who may be going through similar or worse things themselves. :)
I think Colleen makes a good point. I think that most of us are cosidering getting into a profession where we can have a major impact on those around us. if we are concious of the effect we could potentially have on others we may be able to be that sort of person who changes someones mind and shines a bit of light towards them. I am familiar with the post secrets web site and am always astonished to find that there are so many people who feel this same way... as if there are droves of people out there wishing somone would notice they need a hug. I have to assume that those moments when we feel lost and alone in this big world we are really very much not alone, but in the company of thousands who feel the exact way we do at that very moment. post secrets let's us know that we are not the only ones who feel so lost, and that it can get better.