MyPage: Colleen T.

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This is Colleen's page where she will document her work in the course.

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This is my Expert Topic Update for 2/24:

I began by searching for addiction to lying. Most of the sites that came up were for addiction to drugs/alcohol and how people lie about it. I did save quite a few web pages that together formed a picture of the addiction of lying. I noticed that some pages used the words “Pathological liar/lying” So I did a search of that, and a Google Scholar search of those terms. Another term used is “Mythomania” I also did a few searches on that. One more term synonymous is “Compulsive lying” so I searched that as well. I came up with a pretty good starting list of references about these. Here is a list of websites and articles that I have thus far:

I do need to sit down and formulate what I exactly want to find out about the phenomenon and what term best fits my expert topic. I also have some scholarly articles that I found dealing with this. Prefrontal white matter in pathological liars Pathological Lying Revisited Commentary: Getting at the Truth about Pathological Lying

My Expert Topic update for 3/3:

I did not get much more research done this week since my computer was having issues. What I was able to do before that was look through my links more. I also thought more how the addiction of lying and creating a false self can relate to violence and especially rape during our Tuesday discussion. It is very closely related to the "doughnut" theory discussed in chapter 11 of the book.

My Expert Topic update for 3/10:

This week I really focused on the topics we discussed in Psych and Law. We focused on lie detection and I found it helpful in regards to my topic. Detecting lies is a important part of the addiction to lying. The people who are typically pathological liars do not display the same indicators that are said to be displayed by people who are lying. I am looking more into this to help explain the addiction of lying and how it negatively affects interpersonal and romantic relationships. Our Psych and Law book is a good resource for this, as well as the topical blog we did for that class today.

My expert topic update for 3/24:

I did not really get to research much this week. It was a very busy week, but I was thinking about how I want to structure my final project. I love doing power points and was trying to decide what information I should put in it and what order I should put it in. I am used to doing smaller power points so doing one that is one as if I was a key note speaker is something that will take considerably more thought than I have been able to put into it so far.

My expert topic update for 4/14:

Within the next few days, I will be putting together the powerpoint that I will use for my class presentation. From that I will structure my actual project, which will be much more intense. I am taking an easy to understand, well organized approach. One that is very similar to mental health problem listings online.

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