MyPage: Ashley G.

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This is Ashley's page where she will document her work in the course.

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For my expert project, so far I have done the following:
* found the following websites- -
* on the websites, I found several research articles which explain the program, give statistical information on its effectiveness
* I have read through several of the articles to date
* on the websites, I also found power points that are used during class lessons to teach kids behavioral expectations
* I have brainstormed on what format I would like to present my information in: video
* I have brainstormed the format of the video (what types of things I would like to cover in it, how I present it, what possible music I would incorporate, what type of footage I would need to film, etc)
* I have spoken with a family worker from Tri-County Head Start to determine whom I should speak with about possibly getting permission to film on-site
* I have signed up for the parent-training sessions offered by Tri-County Head Start and have attended one so far (there are several more sessions scheduled up through the middle of April)
* I have brainstormed about other possible people that I could speak with about the program (like the state coordinator of the PBIS program)
* I'm in the process of typing up a proposal of what my plans are for the video to present to the Executive Director of Tri-County Head Start to secure the permission to video tape on site and request parental permissions for possible interviews and/or filming of Head Start children

This week for my expert topic:
*typed up my proposal for Tri-County Head Start's Executive Director, Kim Young-Kent, about being granted permission to film on site.
- my family worker suggested that I write the proposal so that she could review it and make suggestions before I meet with Ms. Young-Kent.
*I called the administrative office for Head Start and left Ms. Young-Kent (who was in Des Moines today for a meeting) a message expressing my interest to set up an appointment with her to discuss the PBIS program.
*I spoke briefly with Tri-County Head Start's Mental Health Specialist, Lori Wilkens, about the PBIS program and how it is implemented in the agency. I also was asking her questions to gain a better understanding of certain aspects of the program that I was somewhat unsure of. Finally, I asked for her permission to give an on-camera interview with her for my project once I receive permission from Ms. Young-Kent.
During this brief meeting, Ms. Wilkens expressed an interest in perhaps using my film in the future for PBIS training sessions. Additionally, she gave me a suggestion on incorporating some parent interviews as well to see how well the aspects of the program are transcending to the home (she gave me some names of parents that might be willing to speak with me).

For the past two weeks, I've done the following for my expert topic:
* attended several parenting sessions
* met with the Executive Director for Head Start and was granted permission to film on site
* typed up permission slips to hand out to the Head Start parents and passed them out
* spoke with the lead teacher for the room that I will be filming and discussed the project with her
-during this meeting, we discussed what was the best way for me to film with minimal disruption to the class and I agreed to give a short presentation/demonstration on the equipment that I will be using :)
-she was able to give me a copy of their Behavioral Incident Report (which is how they keep track of what areas they need to focus more closely on)
-she was also able to show me the improvement in their DECA scores and gave me the name of their AEA person who is doing her own research on the impact of PBIS on DECA scores (which I think would be great to incorporate into the film)
* filmed some of the billboards and posters located at one of the Head Start Centers
* began a search for some video footage of violent acts to incorporate into my film

This week for my expert topic, I've done the following:
*begun some of the editing
-completed the intro sequence
-created some animated sequences
*Filmed classroom activities
*interviewed several 4 and 5 year olds
*interviewed Lead teacher, teacher assistant, and mental health specialist
*set up appointment with Tri-County Head Start's AEA-267 worker to interview her on Monday
*discovered several PBIS video clips with teachers and other administrative staff that I can download and incorporate into the film
*brainstorming and mentally writing portions of the script for the film in my head (will be typing it up and formalizing it hopefully over the weekend).
*obtained a copy of Tri-County Head Start's data on Behavioral Incident Reports (BIR) which is the data they use to determine what problem areas they have and develop strategies to overcome them.
-this data has been scanned in so that the images can be used during the film

This week for my expert topic I've done:
*finished editing the video
*uploaded on to MegaVideo
*emailed you the link.
Project complete!

here is my comment to Topical Blog 3/31:

Here is the link to the video for my expert topic project: (It will only be available until the end of May then the subscription for it expires).

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