As a comment to this assignment report on what your area of expertise is going to be for this course.
In order to decide on your area, you should browse through the handbook, google around, look at current events, follow your school or career interests, and otherwise scout around to figure out your topic.
Your topic should be specific enough as to not be overwhelming (any of our labels in the course are probably too general 'suicide,' 'terrorism', etc), and to truly allow you to study and learn about it in sufficient depth to develop expertise.
I would like my Topic Expert assignment to be over school bullying. More specifically, I would like to look at the differences between violence in boys and girls. I would also like to explore what schools are doing to prevent bullying from happening.
Although it is approaching quickly (in class on Tuesday), I would like to do my Topic Expert project about self harm. In more detail, I would like to examine the behavior of cutting. With that, I will also examine reasons that people cut, the stories of people who have cut, treatments for cutting, and other helpful resources for those who cut.
I would like my Expert topic to be on sexual abuse victims and the potential effects of being a victim. More speciicaly how this may effect relationships and psychological functioning.
I would like my Expert topic to be about a community remedy for violence. Specifically the Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports that is currently being implemented in the local area's Head Starts. Based on the goals and intentions of the program, I feel it has a lot of potential in helping to socialize children to be less violent and expressing their negative emotions in a more positive way.
I would like my expert topic to focus on cultural differences in violence. In particulr I would like to concentrate on how these cultural differences effect children in the United States school systems. This may involve how the home life of children with diverse backgrounds can influence their school performance and social interactions at school.
I would like my expert topic to be about serial rapists. More specifically, what is it that makes them rape? Is it a culture thing, a genetic thing, a socialization thing? I know that everyone is different, so I'll be looking for trends and the early behaviors; is there something that most of them did before escalating to rape (for example: exhibition, tortuing animals, etc.). Also, how many serial rapists become serial murderers and how many rape without killing anyone?
I would like my expert topic to be about abuse towards the elderly. Specifically I would like to dive into neglect and physical abuse, along with emotional abuse of the elderly given by caregivers, or loved ones. I will look for a reason or motive behind the violent behavior done by their caregivers or loved ones. Also, I want to find out how it affects them both physically, and emotionally.
I would like my Expert Topic to invove Genocide. I am interested in both the history, etiology, and possible solutions to this global issue.
I have been/currently am a part of a group focusing on immigration issues, so I would like my expert area to be about our views toward immigration and the actions taken toward those that enter the country. There is a lot of violence that occurs on their journey before they even reach the US. I also know of groups in the South that take matters into their own hands.
I would like to do my Expert Topic on the effects of different personality types on violent behavior. Which personality characteristics are prevalent in violent persons? Are some personality characteristics buffers against violence? Also, do all people, no matter what their personality characteristics have the potential to be violent?
I want my expert topic to be on socialization and violence. More specifically, family influence and home environment on a member's violent behavior. I'm a big believer of the idea that many people are who they are because of how they were raised or brought up. As I focus on this I will include support or contradiction for my topic from the genetic/biological side of things.
I would like my expert topic to be on date rape. Specifically within relationships among adolescences. My major emphasis while I have been studying psychology and criminology has been on juveniles and delinquent behaviors, so I felt this topic would fit in nicely with my focus.
I would like my expert topic to be on gang violence. I would like to focus on how girls fit into the culture of gangs and how they participate in gang violence.
I would like to focus my expert topic on violence between married versus unmarried couples and possibly include the effect it has on children in both situations.
My topic will be on violence in the group setting, specifically regarding youth--in gangs, hate groups, or school (undecided on this aspect). I am interested in the mentality of the group opposed to the individual, and the violence that occurs as the group.
I would like my expert topic to be "Inside the Mind of a Rapist", because we hear a lot about the aftershock of the victim, but hardly ever hear why Rapist Rape women.
I would like my expert topic to be on sibling abuse and the family dynamics that surround these behaviors.
My topic will be on domestic violence. I will focus particularly on verbal/emotional/mental violence and how it affects the relationship, individuals involved, and why people stay in these relationships.
My topic will be on bullying of developmentally disabled adults. I am interested in bullying in childhood in as much as it relates to the history of current bullies in adulthood. I may be interested in aggressive or violent reactions by developmentally disabled victims. We know that some people with a history of being bullied eventually become bullies or violent. I wonder what about what types of violence occur in such cases.