January 2011 Archives

Here is a figure showing how the General Aggression Model works. Is this helpful for understanding the the model? Is it accurate? What new insight do you have on the model now that you can 'see' it?

from: http://palgn.com.au/16163/everyoneplays-violent-games-and-aggressive-behaviour-part-1/


If you have access to Netflix watch Intervention, Season 1, Episode 2. (It's a streaming video option; no disc needed).

There are two people highlighted, Tamela and Jerrie. Tamela is the one you want to watch, but she's is intermixed with Jerrie, so you might as well watch the whole show.

Discuss using examples from this episode, how cutting should or should not be considered violent. Recall that our handbook does not address self violence; this is something that you as a class developed. So how can we use what we know about violence and aggression to understand this self-harming behavior? Does it make sense to have a 'self' category in a violence class? Are there any aspects of the General Aggression Model that pertain to Tamela? What do you think the causes are of her cutting behavior? What do you think her obstacles will be in ceasing this behavior? What resources should she tap into to give her a better chance of success?

WARNING: Tamela's episode is graphic. It shows her cutting. There is blood. If you do not want to watch this OR do not have access to Netflix, then do the assignment below.


Go here: http://eqi.org/cutting1.htm and browse around. Scroll down to get past the index and into the narratives. There is information here and testimonials from cutters.

Discuss using examples from this website, how cutting should or should not be considered violent. Recall that our handbook does not address self violence; this is something that you as a class developed. So how can we use what we know about violence and aggression to understand this self-harming behavior? Does it make sense to have a 'self' category in a violence class? Are there any aspects of the General Aggression Model that pertain to any of the people you read about on this website? Choose one particular person and then answer these questions: What do you think the causes are of her/his cutting behavior? What do you think her/his obstacles will be in ceasing this behavior? What resources should she/he tap into to give her/him a better chance of success?



For this assignment, I'd like you to read the following links on suicide behavior.





One more of your choosing (provide link).

Next, write a summary of what you learned plus your opinions and insight on this topic.

Here are some questions to consider if you are having trouble getting started: What were you most surprised about in your reading? What are you most interested in? What is your evaluation of the quality of the resources you read? Can  suicide be conceptualized as violent behavior? Why or why not?

Expert Topic 1/27 10pm

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As a comment to this assignment report on what your area of expertise is going to be for this course.

In order to decide on your area, you should browse through the handbook, google around, look at current events, follow your school or career interests, and otherwise scout around to figure out your topic.

Your topic should be specific enough as to not be overwhelming (any of our labels in the course are probably too general 'suicide,' 'terrorism', etc), and to truly allow you to study and learn about it in sufficient depth to develop expertise.

Reading Blog: 2/15 10pm

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Please read Chapter 20 OR Ch 8 in the handbook. This is your choice based on your interests.

Summarize the chapter and in your writeup incorporate answers to the following questions:

What most interested you in the chapter? What was most surprising to you? How does the chapter you read relate to spousal violence (be specific). Are there elements of the chapter that relate to your area of expertise? If so, what are they and how do they further develop your understanding of your topic?

File:Nanjing yangtze bridge.jpg

Go here: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/407/the-bridge

Click on 'play episode'. Listen to Act 1 (about 15 minutes long).

What are your thoughts on this piece? Do people have a right to kill themselves? Does this self-proclaimed watchmen have the right to try to stop them?

From Post Secret http://www.postsecret.com/


Teen Suicide and Bullying

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Here's yet another story of teens who committed suicide, possibly due to school bullying. Do you think these young people were already prone to commit suicide and the bullying tipped them over the edge? Or was bullying the causal factor?


"Two teenage high school students reportedly committed suicide this weekend in separate incidents, and friends and family of both say they were harassed and bullied at school. "

Killing in the Line of Duty

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Here is a story about police who killed a guy during a drug raid. Was their use of force justified? How had their training prepared them for this situation?


"Utah police shot and killed a man within seconds of storming his parents' home, video of the raid shows. The police had a warrant to search for drugs, but found only a small amount of pot and an empty vial that had apparently contained meth. "


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As we are about to start our readings and discussions on self harm behaviors and how they relate to our conceptualization of violence, I felt inclined to post this current event on people who set themselves on fire as a form of protest.


"CAIRO -- A 25-year-old unemployed man died in a hospital on Tuesday after setting himself on fire in the Egyptian port city of Alexandria, security officials said, amid a wave of self-immolation attempts possibly inspired by events in Tunisia."

Reading Blog 1/25 10pm

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For this assignment, I'd like you to read/browse the following links on Self Harm behavior.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/self-injury/DS00775 A detailed evaluation of self injury from the Mayo Clinic (make sure to click the topics at the bottom of each section you are reading to proceed to the next section of this topic). (read)

http://www.selfinjury.org/ American Self Harm Informational Clearinghouse (browse)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-harm Wikipedia's entry (read)

One more of your choosing (provide link).

Next, write a summary of what you learned plus your opinions and insight on this topic.

Here are some questions to consider if you are having trouble getting started: What were you most surprised about in your reading? What are you most interested in? What is your evaluation of the quality of the resources you read? Can the General Aggression Model explain self harm behavior? Can we conceptualize self injury as a form of violence?



Topical Blog 1/20 10pm

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For your first topical blog, I'd like you to explore the possible causes of Jared Loughner's violent behavior in the shooting in Tucson. Google around and read/listen/watch to some news coverage if you have not been following this developing story. Next, using the categories we developed in class on Tuesday, how could each of these be used (or not) to shed light on his behavior? Fully describe and defend your viewpoint.

The categories we came up with were:





Reading Blog 1/18 10pm

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Welcome to your first reading blog.

Read Ch1 in the handbook and review the table of contents. Don't worry so much about your answers being super long or beautifully written (yet!); focus on reading and understanding the material and then communicating that understanding to us when answering these questions.

Describe and differentiate anti social behavior, aggression, and violence.

What are two aspects of the chapter that you find most interesting?

Discuss if/how the general aggression model will be helpful in understanding and interpreting the causes of violent actions.

Lastly, after looking through the table of contents, what are some particular chapters you want to make sure we read this semester. 



MyPage: Angela W.

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This is Angela's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Stephanie W.

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This is Stephanie's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Colleen T.

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This is Colleen's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Susannah S.

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This is Susannah's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Sarah S.

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This is Sarah's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Jen S.

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This is Jen's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Jordan S.

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This is Jordan's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Meegan R.

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This is Meegan's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Alyssa R.

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This is Alyssa's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Elizabeth P.

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This is Elizabeth's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Holly A.

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This is Holly's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Trisha N.

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This is Trisha's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Thea M.

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This is Thea's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Sadie L.

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This is Sadie's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Tasha J.

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This is Tasha's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Melinda H.

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This is Melinda's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Vincent H.

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This is Vincent's page where he will document his work in the course.

MyPage: Ashley G.

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This is Ashley's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Kenlyn G.

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This is Kenlyn's page where she will document her work in the course.

MyPage: Jennifer C.

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This is Jennifer's page where she will document her work in the course.

Blog This!

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Reply as a comment to this post a link to news article, website or other web resource that you believe relates to the course. Provide a short paragraph explaining what the link's content is and how you believe it relates to the course.