For this homework I would like you to go to the urls below and participate in the cow eye dissection.
You can watch the dissection or you can do your own for more class credit if you like. If you film your own dissection and post it you will get more class credit.
Watch: http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/cow_eye/step01.html
You can do your own using any eyeball you want - fish, cow, etc...
Do: http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/cow_eye/doit.html
I would the like you to post a narrative type comment in the following format: 1) briefly discuss how your text book presents the relevant information about the eye (use facts and paraphrase the material), 2) do the web activity, 3) post in a narrative format your experience with the activity, and 4) Discuss how well the web site kept its facts and figures correct in relation to the material in your text book.
(Basically I want you to spend equal time in your text book and in the web. I would like you to use the terminology they are using in the book to teach you about the eye in your post. The sort of fact check the site to make sure it is consistent with your text - I am sure they are, but you will need to discuss this. This will take some time, so be prepared to spend it on this homework).
You can turn this in before Friday - if you are going to use a real eye I'll give you more time.
Let me know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
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