Week #1 assignment (due before class on Thursday)

Please make sure you are registered for the perception class and then spend a little time orienting yourself with the class blog site. While you are at it please look over the syllabus pages and make sure you understand what we will be doing this semester as it relates to the syllabus.

Once you have finished this please leave a comment about what you think about the blog site, the class, or any particular blog post you have read. I mostly just want to make sure you can log in and comment. If you have problems logging in send me an email and let me know what I can do to help.

--Dr. M


I took Maclin's history class last semester and loved the blogging!! Just need to make sure I keep up on my reading and no cheating! This is SUCH a great way to learn about what you actually want to learn about! :) Great stuff.

I am new to the concept of blogging, but I am excited that I will have a chance to actually learn the material; rather than just memorizing info for tests. This class has fantastic potential!

Hello all, I took history and systems a few semesters ago and I think the blogs are a great way to learn also. I enjoyed the hybrid class. I almost always end up reading the book in classes anyways, and it is nice to kinda be forced to look into the topics more on your own. It expands what you know about the topic, to not only what is in the book but also online. It also helps me remember important topics.

This is my first time taking a hybrid class and I am rather excited about it. I think that I will enjoy being able to dive into specific topics of interest rather than getting a brief overview of all basic concepts. I think this class will push me more to read the material, instead of taking a class where I could have skated by without doing so.

I think this class should be interesting. I have taken many hybrid classes and have enjoyed them all. Also not having tests is another huge plus to this class!

This is my first time taking a hybrid class and I have a pretty good feeling I am going to love it! I love the concept MacLin talked about how the majority of undergrad classes measure how "intelligent" someone is by taking a test, however this way I believe I will be able explore a different style of learning compared to what I am used to in a traditional class room!

I am really excited for this class. I took BMOD with O. MacLin and PsyLaw with K. MacLin and I have enjoyed both classes a lot. If every class could be taught like this it would be ideal. You learn so much more by doing the hybrid approach as well as retain so much information because you are not only implementing in class techniques but you are also experiencing and learning from modern technology. By using the vocabulary and concepts you really learn to understand the language of the class and subject.

I have never taken a hybrid class, but after looking everything over it seems to be something I will enjoy. I believe this type of class really gives the students an opportunity to learn. It is also different from the “regular” class. I look forward to sharing my ideas as well as learning and getting to know others ideas.

Well hello all. It is nice to see that there is a good mix between people that have taken a hybrid class with Dr. Maclin and that there are some that haven't. I have not ever taken a hybrid class before, but I am very optimistic about it. I am excited to learn about sensation and perceptions. I welcome any comments on my posts.

Well, I personally feel like the blog site is ridiculous and I have to agree with Dr. Kim MacLin that the rooster/chicken/hen is hideous. I have NEVER experienced using a computer before in my entire life and I am very confused on what exactly to do.

The class seems very interesting, although you did a lot of talking the first day and it kind of got old. Could you please just awkwardly stare at us at times instead of talking? Or speak in a different language. That could be fun. But I guess this is a perception class. So maybe you should come in with some funny colored seventies styled orange glasses.

So clearly I've been a huge smartass up there ^. I am very excited for this class because I really enjoyed Bmod with MacLin and I enjoy the hybrid assignments. Just don't get hyper and make random faces, or put stickers on the person sitting next to you because he will threaten to sit you in the front of the room. This class will be fun and he's amazing. :)

As this is the third Maclin class that I've had thus far, I feel I rather know well how to navigate this sight. It's a bit tricky in the beginning to remember blogs and assignments but it eventually comes back to me. I always feel that this is a better way to learn because I actually do learn more and reinforced to do the readings and assignments. I look forward to learning what sensation and perception is all about and filling that little section of my psychology requirements before I graduate this spring.

Luckily this time I wont be forced to be clicker trained this year.

I have also taken a hybrid class before, so the site is easy for me to navigate (though i found it fairly intuitive from the outset). I am very excited for this class - I think the great thing about this sort of learning is that you really do get out what you put in. You can fake the readings and float through the course, but this will be made apparent in both the quality of your blog posts and the amount of new knowledge you have acquired at the end.

I have high expectations to learn a lot from this class. I took Dr. Kim Maclin's Motivation and Emotion class and loved it. I like the in class and online combination that the hybrid class offers.

The only uneasiness I have about this blogging system is that it is new to me. However, it seems that this type of teaching has enormous potential for the students, and for that I am very excited.

I have taken Kim Maclin’s Psychology and Law and Motivation and Emotion classes. I always find that my blogs start out pretty simple and get better as the semester goes on. I do like how the chapter blogs are due the day before class. If they are due the day of class, I tend to wait until after work (8:30 pm) to submit even if I already have it all typed out before I go to work. Having it due the day before will at least help me to go over the material more before class.

I also had professor Maclin last semester for history and systems. I feel that these hybrid classes are really awesome. I really enjoy being able to be a part of a class that is conducted completely different from the norm.

I had behavior modification before this class so the blogging system is a familiar scene for me. I enjoy blogging because I actually take the time and read the material. I'm always amazed how much more information I am able to remember after I read about something and then write about it. I'm looking forward to this semester to see what sensation and perception is all about.

I hope this class is as interesting as bmod was. we had some great discussions in that class!! I like the fact that we will figure out what we like from the chapter it is always so much easier to remember than the stuff that have to memorize in other classes.

The blog site is cool. I think I will really enjoy exploring the things that I find interesting rather than trying to cram a bunch of stuff I dont care about.

I love blogging and I took multiple classes using this approach. I like being able to read what other students are learning and interested in! It is also more enjoyable to read without having to study for a test and then forget what you remembered. Blogging and using this approach is a good way for students to enjoy their reading and use it in every day life.

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