UNI psychology professor shows how the brain lies

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On Oct. 27 in Seerly Hall, University of Northern Iowa associate professor of psychology Otto MacLin gave a presentation titled, "How the Brian Lies and Misrepresents the 'Real World.'" MacLin explained with numerous visual and demonstrations how the brain lies so it can attempt to explain its surroundings.


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I was actually at this presentation and thought it was still interesting even though I had the advantage of knowing some of the material from our class. The presentation was very intriguing with all the examples, and pictures. It's crazy to think how our brain is so easily tricked and that we can think we actually saw something, when in fact it wasn't what we actually saw. the example of the line up of men was excellent... I think I would've had a hard time picking out the guilty person, but what's weird is how we see our race as difference. like they said in the article "researchers in South Africa have found that South African blacks have a hard time recognizing African Americans."

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