Topical Blog Week #16 (Optional)


Discuss how the material you have learned from this class has changed how you think about or view the world.

Thank you and have a great summer break.


I think that this class has made me more aware of almost every aspect of my world. Key word there is my world. My perception of what I see, smell, taste, hear and touch has changed to being more aware of the sensations of the world and perception of what I didn’t see before or did I guess. It doesn’t stop there because there is so much more information in the book that goes more in-depth about each one of the main topics in the book. This allowed me to learn about all the backstage chat that the audience doesn’t normally see or know about. This class has been a back stage pass to the sensations and perceptions of the world.

This has been my favorite class in college. I view the world and myself differently because of the information from this class. What i mean by that is I view my relationship with the world differently. Our brain is a translating device. Sensory information is collected by our body and our brain puts that information into an experience that we then evaluate and act on. I am interested in what we are referring to when we say "me" or "I". We are not referring to our body or our brain we are referring to something metaphysical that exists outside the body and the brain, yet is totally dependent on these biological structures. We have not localized what we think of as personality, or the essence of who a person is. On that note raw cognition is something that we cannot conceive of. The closest thing we have to experiencing what our brain experiences is DMT.

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