Edward Reid Sings Nursery Rhymes


Edward Reid Sings Nursery Rhymes to Run backing... by UCANLEARNPOKERdotCOM x

What does this tell us about expectations?

What does this tell us about the relationship between auditory perception and music?


I thought this was very interesting in class today. We talked about how it was interesting to hear something that is usually spoken and silly to be sung in a serious way. However, as I was thinking about this, I was realizing that a couple of the rhymes were usually sung (like old macdonald and twinkle twinkle little star). So I think that it was more about the serious tone being sung rather than the light fun song that is usually sung with these. I think it is more about our perception of the way we usually perceive this to the way we perceive it when it is serious. We expect the song to have serious words rather than childish nursery rhymes. I thought this was very interesting!

I thought this was a funny video because I didnt look at the title before watching the video. When the piano part started I just thought oh this should be a really pretty song and then i actually heard the words and couldnt help but laugh. Nursery rhymes are not something you would expect from this kind of accompaniment. I think i was expecting more or a love song at least something more serious.

wow, Britain really DOES have talent.

I have to say i was really surprised when he started singing. I thought that his singing would not sound good at all, and was quite suprised when it sounded good. I think this was a unique way to showcase his talents.

This video is great! It tells us to not have any expectations! No one ever saw this comming! The piano behind it was amazing! When the piano first started playing at the begning of the video it lead our expectations to expect a very serious song. When the singer started singing everybody was in awe because they all expected something else. This performance was brilliantly executed! The melodies and rhythm that we are so use to with the nursery rhymes were not there, therefore we did not expect the singer to sing nursery rhymes. This really exposes the truth that even with hearing we have expectations of what is going to come next! This is something that really got me thinking. This video was a beautiful curve ball that really blow my mind once agian.

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